I have a problem with sorting in object. My object looks like:
Week Bus. partner Income Cumullative Income
1 ABB 500 500
1 CCD 1000 1500
1 DDE 1900 3400
2 OOO 1100 4500
4 QQQ 500 5000
2 DDE 300 5300
5 AQA 200 5500
2 ZUZ 1000 6500
3 RET 500 7000
3 ABB 100 7100
Income is expression: Sum({<[Warenhouse] = {"E33", "E55", "E88", "E99"}}>} [Income]
Cummulative Income is expression: RangeSum(Above(Total Sum({<[Warenhouse] = {"E33", "E55", "E88", "E99"}}>} [Income], 0, RowNo(Total)))
I want it sort by:
1. week
2. income - asc.
So the final table should be:
Week Bus. partner Income Cumullative Income
1 ABB 500 500
1 CCD 1000 1500
1 DDE 1900 3400
2 DDE 300 3700
2 ZUZ 1000 4700
2 OOO 1100 5800
3 ABB 100 5900
3 RET 500 6400
4 QQQ 500 6900
5 AQA 200 7100
Could you help me, how define sorting ???
Thank you.