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Stacked Bar Chart


Is it possible to create a stacked bar chart alongwith a line chart? The chart has two dimensions and two expressions?

On the x axis we need to show Months

On the y axis, sum(FieldA) for different values of field B.- This should be in the form of a stacked bar chart.

sum(FieldA)- Line chart.(This would just be the totla sum for different months)

4 Replies

Looks like same question you asked last week....

Stacked Bar Chart

Not applicable

I want something like that. As shown in the image, the X axis has months whereas the Y values has some values. The stacks in the bar should be based on a field B i.e we have to show for each value of field B what is the Y value. The line chart should display the totla value for each month. Creating just the stacked bar chart without the line part works fine, but if i try to include the line chart, then the stacks on the bar disappear and the chart looks clumsy.stacked bar chart.png


Kindly provide sample apps or sample data...

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Kindly refer the attched qvw. I wish to add another line chart here which depicts the sum of all values for a particular month.