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I'm getting some inconsistent calculation results from my Load script. The following is a snippet of code from the load script:
Num(If(IsNull([Business Days End 2 END ( without Approvals )]), [Business Days End 2 END ( with Approvals )], [Business Days End 2 END ( without Approvals )]), '#0') as [Actual GTI Days],
LastWorkDate(RangeMax([Order Create Date], [Approval Complete Date]), [E2E SLO] + 1) as [SLA Breach Date],
Num(If([Order Complete Date] > LastWorkDate(RangeMax([Order Create Date], [Approval Complete Date]), [E2E SLO] + 1), 1, 0), '#0') as Breach
Sometimes, Breach will be zero or 1 as expected and then for other rows, it is not. I've attached sample data. If you look at, for example, rows 9 - 15, I would expect the values to be all zero's for Breach. In my pivot table chart, I then have an expression column where the calculation is Sum(Breach)/Count([Host Name]). As you're probably guessing, the calculation is not correct in the chart. The idea is to calculate the percent delay from the SLA. As an FYI, while Host Name is a text field, it is used for counting the number of orders, 1 Host Name = 1 Order.
I've also attached export of the pivot table for reference. I'm thinking, for example, that the % Delay From SLA for VSI in the OS Build section should be somewhere around 20% maybe. Would I perhaps need to format some of the date columns being used a certain way? Here are the one's that would be in play and which in the Load script:
Date([Order Complete Date], 'MM/DD/YYYY') as [Order Complete Date]
Date([Order Create Date], 'MM/DD/YYYY') as [Order Create Date],
Date([Approval Complete Date], 'MM/DD/YYYY') as [Approval Complete Date],
As always, thanks in advance for any and all replies. All help is appreciated.
I think you might have accidentally added the old sample file.
LOL. You are right. I did. Try this one.
The Breach stayed 0 for me using the same exact script that you sent me in the work document
Very weird. I wonder if my Qlikview desktop session is somehow corrupted. I'm going to shutdown and reboot and then try a reload and see what happens.
Try that and also check the environmental variables to see if there is any differernce
SET ThousandSep=',';
SET DecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyThousandSep=',';
SET MoneyDecimalSep='.';
SET MoneyFormat='$#,##0.00;($#,##0.00)';
SET TimeFormat='h:mm:ss TT';
SET DateFormat='M/D/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
SET FirstWeekDay=6;
SET BrokenWeeks=1;
SET ReferenceDay=0;
SET FirstMonthOfYear=1;
SET CollationLocale='en-US';
SET MonthNames='Jan;Feb;Mar;Apr;May;Jun;Jul;Aug;Sep;Oct;Nov;Dec';
SET LongMonthNames='January;February;March;April;May;June;July;August;September;October;November;December';
SET DayNames='Mon;Tue;Wed;Thu;Fri;Sat;Sun';
SET LongDayNames='Monday;Tuesday;Wednesday;Thursday;Friday;Saturday;Sunday';
Ok. I rebooted and added any environment variables you have that I don't. I then did a reload. I get the same wrong results. I then, for kicks, deleted my code and pasted in the code from your sample qvw. I still get the wrong results. Things are showing up as breached when they shouldn't be.
Yet, in your sample qvw, it's correct. Very weird.
What's really weird is that it's not consistent or does not appear to be consistent when it gets it wrong. A lot of them are correct.
Can you post an image of equivalent of what I have selected from your app?
Will do.
I hope this works.