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I am trying to make a theme that can be applied by all developers in my company, but I can't seem to get it to work. I have a report that has multiple object types, a custom logo background, and specific coloring. I would like for any developer to create a new report and apply this theme.
My issue is, with this report open I go to Theme Maker Wizard, I create a new template called TEST.qvt, I use a Source of Document (I have tried sheet), I select everything for step 3a "Object type specific properties, but when I click next it skips step 4 where you select all objects. I end up at step 5 and select set as default theme for new document, "Finish".
When I go to an existing report and apply a theme, I select my "TEST" and it changes, but only the background color and logo. None of my object colors or settings apply., they are still all gray...
Why is it skipping step 4 in the wizard?
Select one of your objects and start the theme maker from the layout tab, choose the modify existing theme and select the theme you created from the sheet/document and set the properties and objects you want this applied to. Repeat for any object type specific properties you want applied from any specific object type.
Select one of your objects and start the theme maker from the layout tab, choose the modify existing theme and select the theme you created from the sheet/document and set the properties and objects you want this applied to. Repeat for any object type specific properties you want applied from any specific object type.