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Total in Pivot Table


Any idea how to create the pivot table as below?


If I used the partial sum in pivot table, it's give


Another alternative way is create the Dimension2 as expressions, then drag down to left. These then need create all the tables for budget, LY and etc and hiding behind.

Disadvantage is user couldn't export whole table to excel.

4 Replies
Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III


You could add 'Total' to Dimension 1:


LOAD 'Total' As Dimension1,


Autogenerate 1;

and then your expressions would need to say something like:

     If(Dimension1 = 'Total', Sum(Aggr(< your original expression >, Dimension1, Dimension2)), < your original expression >)

And finally, use custom cell formatting to bold the lines with Total. Or click the + next to the expression, and enter the text style expression:

     If(Dimension1 = 'Total', '<B>')



Logic will get you from a to b. Imagination will take you everywhere. - A Einstein
Specialist II
Specialist II

You could script the 'Total' as an additional value to the Dimension1 field by calculating the sums in a seperate logical table and then join it/ or use crosstable load to create the final table....but then there is no dynamic user selection on the dashboard possible...the Totals will be rather static.

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Please find the attached document

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Thanks. Need to think a way to create that column in backend. Alright, thanks.