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Not applicable

Tracking Of Employee


I am having a table of employee record with following fields(say):

EmpName, DeptName, EntryDate, Location

Now I have to display the list of employee details with department/Location wise.

My problem is what, say, a employee changing a department with location and then again he/she comes back to same department/location or remains their only. Now I have to display the list department/location wise but I am getting repeating employee record into different department/location.

Example: Say ABC, employee was into Finance department with EntryDate and then he/she moves to Sales department with EntryDate(Last updated). Now If I display the list he/she will come into both the department as their no over write on earlier record.

I am maintaining EntryDate as per his/her last changed department.

I tried to fetch the list from department/location wise with max(EntryDate) but its not working.....

Can any body help, how I can sort it out?

List should be according to last EntryDate and employee records should not be duplicate.


Balraj Ahlawat

5 Replies
Partner - Master II
Partner - Master II

use the firstsortedvalue function

Not applicable


Could you tell me syntax please, how to use it?


Balraj Ahlawat

Partner - Master II
Partner - Master II

use -[yourdateField] to display only the last value :

firstsortedvalue ([ distinct ] expression [, sort-weight [, n ]])

Returns the first value of expression sorted by corresponding sort-weight when expression is iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause. Sort-weight should return a numeric value where the lowest value will render the corresponding value of expression to be sorted first. By preceding the sort-value expression with a minus sign, the function will return the last value instead. If more than one value of expression share the same lowest sort-order, the function will return NULL. By stating an n larger than 1, the nth value in order will be returned. If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be disregarded.


Load Customer,

firstsortedvalue(PurchasedArticle, OrderDate) as FirstProductBought from abc.csv

group by Customer;

Creator III
Creator III


Not applicable

Attached example that refer to your issue

find the solution in the script