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get a diagram from a .csv file

Hello, I am new to Qlikview and I imported a csv file that has a structure as follows:

Zeit|Signal [Einheit]|Wert
0.00025|FZ_Gierrate [°/s]|0.24414063
0.00075|DR_a_x |0.04800000
0.00075|DR_a_y |-0.01600000
0.00075|DR_a_z |0.99200000
0.00175|FZ_a_y_1 |0.00990000
0.00225|ABS_E [---]|regelt nicht
0.00225|Bremse_Pedal_S [---]|nicht betaetigt
0.00225|FZ_Gierrate_1 [°/s]|0.03760000
0.00275|Reifen_p_Warn [---]|druck ok
0.00325|FZ_Gierrate [°/s]|0.07500000
0.00325|FZ_a_y |0.02459867

...and so on

The delimiter is '|' so that I have here 3 columns. First is timestamp, second signalname and third value.

My question now is, how can I make a line diagram that shows the value course of a certain signal e.g. "FZ_Gierrate [°/s]" over time?

I tried a lot but didn't made it.

Hope you may help me. Thanks in advance.

1 Reply
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Hello spartakuskus,

I assume your native language is german. Then it is likely that you have set:


In consequence all(!) values for Zeit and Wert are loaded as string (text), not as numeric. So try to load the two fields with numeric values where ever possible. I defined new separators before loading from the csv-file:

SET ThousandSep=''; // leave it blank for the moment
SET DecimalSep='.';
Load ...

The rest should be easy as most of your values in the two fields will be recognized as numeric (and therefor are visible in a linechart).

Regards, Roland