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how to make selection reflect only one column in a table

Hello All,

I have given  rating for each supplier based up on there total score in an excel sheet at script level,

so what i am looking is on selecting each supplier category rating i need to display there respective supplier in the table,

but the problem over here is it  should  take in to consider only auditor current score  cloumn,


what i mean is i should  able to see this supplier  only if i select 'B' rating from supplier category beacuse this auditor current score column rating is 58.5 which comes under 'B'  but now it is considering under A rating i think it taking in to consider the column one value only......i mean  my selection should only effect auditor current score column,

current i am getting this when i select B rating


8 Replies

I am not completely sure what you are trying to do. Can you elaborate a little more

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I agree with Sunny in that your post is not particularly clear.

For supplier "Shantol Green", SUPCAT contains two values: an A for TOTAL_SCORE=118 and a NULL (actually this is not a value) for TOTAL_SCORE=58.5. You should correct your data model so that a SUPCAT=B will be present for the TOTAL_SCORE=58.5 row.

But then, both Review results were registered on the same date and as a result, FirstSortedValue will get in trouble. Maybe you should use aggr() and MaxString() instead?



Hello sunny,

To make it simple , is it possible to sort the table /data based up on column two when i select supplier category list boxg , i mean to say the rating selection should impact only on column two,for example

suppose if i got data in excel like this  Total_score    Supcat

                                                        120 to 140      A+

                                                        90 to 119        A

                                                        50 to  89        B

                                                        0 to   49         B+

and if one supplier has data like this:

expression for Current Self Evaluate Score: FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'SELF_EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW)

expression for  Current Auditor Score:   FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW) 

same expressions i wrote to get previous just added   2 didgit

         supplier     Current Self Evaluate Score   Current Auditor Score    previous Self Evaluate Score    previousAuditor Score

1)        aaa                     119                                      55                                          120                                          85

2)         bbb                    100                                     120                                          30                                          110

so before selecting any rating lf my table is like this then

if i select B rating from list box(


sorry wrong button pressed without completion...

Hello sunny,

To make it simple , is it possible to sort the table /data based up on column two when i select supplier category list boxg , i mean to say the rating selection should impact only on column two,for example

suppose if i got data in excel like this  Total_score    Supcat

                                                        120 to 140      A+

                                                        90 to 119        A

                                                        50 to  89        B

                                                        0 to  49        B+

and if one supplier has data like this:

expression for Current Self Evaluate Score: FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'SELF_EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW)

expression for  Current Auditor Score:  FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW)

same expressions i wrote to get previous just added  2 didgit

supplier Current Self Eval Score  Current AuditorScore  previousSelf EvaluScore        previousAuditor Score

1)        aaa                    119                                      55                                          120                      85

2)        bbb                    100                                    120                                          30                      110

so before selecting any rating lf my table is like above  then

if i select B rating from list box(Supplier Category) then i need to display table like this 

supplier Current Self Eval Score  Current AuditorScore  previousSelf EvaluScore        previousAuditor Score

1)        aaa                    119                                      55                                          120                      85

i should not get supplier bbb beacuse this Current AuditorScore  is 120 which is in A+ 

if i select A+ rating from list box(Supplier Category) then i need to display table like this

2)        bbb                    100                                    120                                          30                      110

i should not get supplier aaa  beacuse this Current AuditorScore  is 55 which is in B.....

so what i mean is in simple words my list box selection should reflect only cloumn 2  ignore the rest of the cloumn

i mean to say whose Role =Eval

so according to me i think rating given for both ROLE values(Self eval,Eval) it is getting a bit confuse over here,

when selecting list box it is not able to understand whether to sort with role = self eval or role = eval ,so if i make list only with role=eval will it works

i mean in expression :   if(match(role=eval),supcat)  

will that work


Hello peter,

To make it simple , is it possible to sort the table /data based up on column two when i select supplier category list boxg , i mean to say the rating selection should impact only on column two,for example

suppose if i got data in excel like this  Total_score    Supcat

                                                        120 to 140      A+

                                                        90 to 119        A

                                                        50 to  89        B

                                                        0 to  49        B+

and if one supplier has data like this:

expression for Current Self Evaluate Score: FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'SELF_EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW)

expression for  Current Auditor Score:  FirstSortedValue(distinct {<ROLE={'EVAL'},MaterialName=,Category=,Decision=, ENSTEHDAT = >}TOTAL_SCORE, -DATE_OF_REVIEW)

same expressions i wrote to get previous just added  2 didgit

supplier Current Self Eval Score  Current AuditorScore  previousSelf EvaluScore        previousAuditor Score

1)        aaa                    119                                      55                                          120                      85

2)        bbb                    100                                    120                                          30                      110

so before selecting any rating lf my table is like above  then

if i select B rating from list box(Supplier Category) then i need to display table like this

supplier Current Self Eval Score  Current AuditorScore  previousSelf EvaluScore        previousAuditor Score

1)        aaa                    119                                      55                                          120                      85

i should not get supplier bbb beacuse this Current AuditorScore  is 120 which is in A+

if i select A+ rating from list box(Supplier Category) then i need to display table like this

2)        bbb                    100                                    120                                          30                      110

i should not get supplier aaa  beacuse this Current AuditorScore  is 55 which is in B.....

so what i mean is in simple words my list box selection should reflect only cloumn 2  ignore the rest of the cloumn

i mean to say whose Role =Eval

so according to me i think rating given for both ROLE values(Self eval,Eval) it is getting a bit confuse over here,

when selecting list box it is not able to understand whether to sort with role = self eval or role = eval ,so if i make list only with role=eval will it works

i mean in expression :   if(match(role=eval),supcat) 

will that work


Any more help or suggestion plz to achieve this requirement

Specialist III
Specialist III


If I understand if your issue correctly, i.e, sorting problem

you can create a Inline Load with the order you want like want

Rank,    Supcat

1,     A+

2,     A

3,     B

4,     B+


in the table, goto sort->by expression and use Rank in box provided.

Kiran Kumar


Hi, sorry my way of expression in english quite bad, i mean

sorting is the wrong word i use i should use display i dont mean either ascending or descending type of sorting