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Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

how to retrive possiable values between two tables

hi All,

will appriciate your help in the following:

I have two table:

Table A: ID, Session_id, Customer

Table B: ID, Session_id, Product

I'd like to count all products inhich the session_id accures in both tables.

I understand it should be using Set Analysis - but ....

Will appreciate your help.

Thanks in advanced.


3 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

The fact that you have 2 identical keys, makes this question a bit more complex, but ... I'd try something like this:

"search for those Products that have associated Customers":

count({<Product={"=len(trim(Customer))>0"}>} distinct Product)

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

hi Oleg,

Thanks for the reply, but I can't understend how this answers my question.

I would like to count only the products that has associated sessions_id with the customer table.

(regarding the ID I can omit it...)


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP


this is the essence of QlikView association logic - if your Products and Customers are linked via Session ID, then for each Product, the associated Customers are those that the Product's Session ID exists in the Session/Customers table (or else they wouldn't be associated)

hope it helps,