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Creator III
Creator III

left join condition

I need to compare a field from a table to another field from another table (proposing to use wildmatch). To reduce the possibility to the minimum and at the same time don’t miss any possibility. I want to join this two table base on some loose condition, say for example the length of the field in first table has to be longer than the length of the filed from the second table to establish a join. Is there such a condition I can put in to so that I don’t have to join all records from table 1 to all records from table2?  thanks . Hope my above explanation making sense.

3 Replies

Hi Wang,

please create& Share sample data and what is your expected output?

please elaborate a bit more so that our folks will help you ASAP.

Creator III
Creator III

In the below , I want to find out whether column “To be Scanned” contains any records in the “Name” Column in Table B. if the table is not big, I just join the two table together by creating an additional common field (dummy field) then do some evaluation. But when the table gets bigger then performance drops significantly, so I want to build some condition that when I join table a to b I don’t have to join each individual records from both table.


Champion III
Champion III

May be check here and implement the same: Using exists Function look in the examples