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representation in table

Hi All,

I got a new requirement from my client, they want sales report  in a tabler representation based on the geo(dimension) and product wise.

Please find the attachment, it is showing the metrics will comes under the perticular column names in the report.

I know that we can give the metrics based on the perticular products or dimensions.but my question is, how can we represent the product-1.

And we can see the product-1 it is having 5 categories Jul'12,YTD Ju'12,Jul'11,Dec'11 and growth% over and again i have3 categories in Jul'12 and YTD Jul'12.

How can we represent this in qlikview,can anyone having the idea about this.

Jul'12YTD Jul'12

Growth % Over
SalesTarget% AchSalesTarget% AchJul'11Dec'11AverageYTD



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