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This may be a really sily question so apologies if it is.
Want the X Axis on a chart to show as £20,000, £40,000 etc rather than 20,000, 40,00 as it does currently.
What is the chart option or what do I need to do to get this to work?
Any help much appreciated.
Chart Properties > Number > Add your symbol under Symbol, Thousand Symbol, Million Symbol.
For example: £, £K, £M
you can add a calculated dimension like this:
In you dimension
if your not using any dimension in that case on Propertirs -Number settings use symbol =£ .
In dimension
Hope this will helps you...!!
As far as I understand your problem, you are trying to display £ and not sure how do you do that.
You can either use Chr(int) function if you know the ASCII value of this character or can copy '£' symbol from a Microsoft Word Document and paste it in your chart as Avinasha and Gowtham explained (i.e. '£' & your_field).
Hope this helps.
I recommend formatting it rather than turning the dimension into a string, which might mean you need a sort expression to get them to sort properly.
Either use this in a calculated dimension: =Num(Field, '£#,##0.00')
Or, go to Properties | Number, select the field and apply the same formatting £#,##0.00 to the field as the default format.
Hi Jonathan,
I think his question is about showing pound symbol on the axes rather than the data points.. Is there any way to show the symbol on the axes points?
If its the X-axis (as in the original question), then my suggestion should work. It certainly does in my models.
If its the Y-axis, set the format in chart properties. Go to Properties | Number, select the expression, and enter the required format eg £#,##0.00
Like the attached?