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QlikView Task Analysis

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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

QlikView Task Analysis

Last Update:

Sep 21, 2022 5:11:51 PM

Updated By:


Created date:

May 8, 2018 8:14:51 AM


task analysis screen grab.PNG


For those of us that work with QlikView distribution service, either the standard version or Publisher then perhaps this model may be of some use in analysis of your tasks.

As a Qlik partner, I developed this to read in the various .xml files created by the distribution service and help look for some common problems such as:

  • repetitive failures (TASKS and RELIABILITY - top left and middle charts)
  • broken tasks  / missing files (ISSUES - top right)
  • resource contention (TASK EXECUTION - main chart)

There are lots of clever ways of analysing the QVPR data, including through the Governance dashboard, however I went with this approach as it gave me something tangible and reasonably simple to interpret and then present to a client.


  1. Open the model in QlikView (preferably on the QlikView server)
  2. Navigate to the Configuration tab
  3. Update the file locations
  4. Click the Reload button
  5. Select the Dashboard tab and start your analysis


  • Tasks with multiple short reloads may not be easily visible in the gantt chart
  • The Gantt chart works best with a single day selected
  • Colour conventions are red is bad, green is good and orange is a warning.

I have used in a mix of QlikView 11 and 12 environments using both Publisher and the standard distribution service though I can't account for all environments so the model is provided as is where is, though please feel free to expand for your own use or provide some feedback that may benefit the community.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you find it useful.

Partner - Champion III
Partner - Champion III

I got it up and running really fast. The only things I needed to patch in the load script were the values for the DateFormat and TimestampFormat variables.

You may want to add those to your Configuration page.

BTW works like a charm. Thanks!

Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi Peter,

Thank you for the feedback - much appreciated.

I have updated the model with your suggestions as well as correcting a minor issue with the Gantt chart axes.

Kind regards,


Contributor II
Contributor II

Got to say,  this still works well in late 2020.   Good job Rod. Thanks!


Thanks Rod.

It's good to use, and very smart design on the bar chart.

I noticed there could be a mistake/typo in your script "Chart data" line 34, was:

"Duration                                                                                                            as ChartDuration,"

I fixed it as:
"time(round( frac(StartTimeStamp), 1/24/60) , 'hh:mm:ss')        as ChartDuration,"

As the first empty gap duration should be equal to the start time of first task, instead of the duration of first task.



Version history
Last update:
‎2022-09-21 05:11 PM
Updated by: