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Another Google Maps Extension

UPDATE 2013-03-23

It's great to see the support from the community around mapping! This thread has been great to follow and lots of fun contributions has been added.

It has however become quite crowded with different versions being discussed and it's hard to find any useful information anymore.

So I have decided to kill off this thread and at the same time I have updated the extensions and split them into 3 parts with each extension having it's own thread.

Hopefully this will make it a bit easier to find information, ask questions and share new implementions of the extension between each other.

Google Maps - Cluster

Google Maps - Marker

Google Maps - Heatmap (New!)

If there is interest for a more collaborative development let me know and I will host the extensions up on Git.

Message was edited by: Alexander Karlsson

154 Replies
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Hi all

I already solve the problem

As always, the answer is simple. I had commas instead of dots in latitude and longitude fields in my database and that crashed my application!

However, I'm facing another issue. Is it possible to activate the filters in QV (select fields object) by just clicking in the markers on the map? And if it is possible, can anybody tell me how can I do that?

Best regards,


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I Alexander

To resolve this problem, after I add an onclick event what shoud I put into this block of code?

Thank you for the help.




You don't have to add an "onclick" event, this is done in the java script.

Once you select an item in your qlikview list with the data is transferred to the map and the apropriate point is shown on the map.

BTW you must install the ajax plug-in.

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I know and that is working very well

My problem is with the opposite way, that is, when I click on the marker (pushpin) on the GMap I want that all QV objects are changed. For example, if I click on the marker with lat=X and lng=Y I want that my filters (list boxes), my tables and my chart changed according to that lat and lng. Did I make myself clear?

Thanks for the help

Best regards,




I don't think that what you want is possible in qlikview, since qlikview is designed as a reporting tool.

It only uses data loaded into its database from several types of files and displays it on the screen.

Showing the data will be possible but then only by adapting the java script of the map.

In any way data will never be written to qlikview.

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That's my doubt... I need to know if there is some way to modify the javascript code in order to make this possible. I really need to activate the filters of QV by clicking on the markers (please have in mind that these markers are on the map by an QV extension...).

Best regards,



Yes that is very doable, I have a working example. I'll upload it as soon as I get home.

The tricky part is if you want area selections as that is not an native google maps event

Kind Regards

Alexander Karlsson

2 okt 2012 kl. 17:37 skrev "tmendesf" <<>>:


Re: Another Google Maps Extension

created by tmendesf<> in Integration and Extensions - View the full discussion<>

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Thanks Alexander.

I'll be waiting

Best regards,



Writing this on my iphone but should work

First add

var _this = this;

just below the AddExtension("Map" Function() line

Then right before you push your marker into the array, "markers.push(marker)", add this line:

google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', (function(value) { return function() { _this.Data.SelectRow(value) }})(i));

Now you should be able to click a marker inside the Google Map extension and it will select the corresponding row in your qv data model.

Not applicable

Hi Alexander

It works

Thank you very much for your help. It has precious

Actually, I have another doubt: when I click on a marker it really select the objects on QV. However, I have a objects called "Current Selections" that tells me what selection were made. So, when I click on the marker, the only thing that is selected in that box is latitude. I know that the probability that have 2 latitudes exacly equal is pretty impossible but in the worst case it can happen. It is possivel to solve that "issue"?

Again, thank you for helping me