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Creator III
Creator III

Event handler for Workbench object in .aspx page

Hi All,

I am trying to integrate Qlikview wokbench in a ASP.Net project. One of my aspx page contains the following code snipets:

   <script type="text/javascript">

     var   QvObject ;

         Init1 = function() {

        QvObject = qva.GetQvObject("LB22", function(){});





                    <qww:QvObject ID="QvObject1" runat="server" ObjectID="LB22" ObjectType="List Box" QlikViewDocument="Demo_SecondarySale (Local)"                     QvAjaxZfcPath="http://QVSERVER/QvAjaxZfc/" style="left: 21px; top: 108px" />


How can I implement a event handler in JavaScript for the selection change event of the List Box("LB22") ?

Any help would be appreceated.

Thanks & Regards,


1 Reply
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Hi Somnath.

I've done a few WB projects since QV v9, the latest in QV v10 SR3.

Things like this is always a hazzle, and documenation is hard to find.

Does it really exist?

However, I've found a way of clicking QV buttons inside javascripts.

So for your problem: Create a QV button and define your events as button actions.

Then have javascript click your button.

Something like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

        var xBUobject;

        InitX = function() {

            xBUobject = qva.GetQvObject("BU01", function() {});


        xClickButton = function() {



