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Add 'Collapsed' as an Appearance Option for Filter Panes

Contributor III
Contributor III

Add 'Collapsed' as an Appearance Option for Filter Panes

It is very convenient to add multiple dimensions to a filter pane, rather than creating separate filter panes for each filter.

However, if you want your filters to always appear in 'collapsed' view, then must create a separate filter pane for each dimension, and manually size it to be only one 'square' tall, because Qlik automatically expands the filters to fill the available space. Additionally, if you manually size a multi-dimension filter pane to force it closed, if you move to a different window size or screen resolution, Qlik will helpfully open it back up again.

I propose a simple checkbox in the Appearance settings for filter panes to toggle between 'Expand filters to fill available space' and 'Keep filters collapsed at all times'. This will enable the convenience of using multi-dimensional filter panes, while also keeping the aesthetic of closed filter panes.

Creator II
Creator II

I really cant see the point in the "Ideas" thing if such basic requests are being rejected.


Hello together,

there is a solution via the Extension "Grouped Container": Grouped Container - Qlik Developer

Create your Filter Panes and add them to the Master Items

Then add all your "Master Item Filter Panes" to the Grouped Container and set Height to 35px.


All of the Filter Panes stay always collapsed, no matter the scenario. We got this tip from the creator of the Grouped Container: Dennis, so thank you Dennis!


Best Regards 


Contributor III
Contributor III

Having this option would be of huge importance especially on those customers who have monitors with different resolutions, everyone would see the filters in the same way and not half open and half closed...

Contributor II
Contributor II

I've been having problems with this menu's behavior for some time, but only today did I understand that when I access the same panel on different monitors, the menu options appear differently, in some moments they appear all contracted, in others they appear part of the options of some filter, in others it appears those 3 dots indicating that there are more options...

It is shameful that extremely simple things have not yet been implemented in QlikSense, it is very basic that the tool has an object for you to include filters in your application and what QlikSense offers you is a poorly made control that will appear differently depending on of the user's monitor.

To be quite honest, I hate QlikSense's front-end development environment, while in QlikView you were free to place all objects the way you wanted, in QlikSense you are limited to fitting objects into a grid, you can't natively overlap objects like in QlikView, you are limited to just dragging objects on the screen and creating panels with a completely dull appearance and without personality.

The pivot table, for example, is horrible, you add columns to the table and instead of appearing columns with a header, this appears here:



If you have several columns you simply cannot tell which column you are looking at because there is no header, the tool creates several buttons in the upper left corner instead of placed on top of each column

Other than that, there are many other things that I can't do, or I can't do satisfactorily in QlikSense and in QlikView it was very simple, then someone might say "Oh but there are extensions", really existences are very useful, but these things mentioned above are very basic, this should be native to the tool.

I've used other BI tools, for me the ETL part of QlikView/QlikSense was the best, as for the front end part, QlikView in my opinion is the best, then comes power bi and third, as incredible as it seems, comes the Google Data Studio, I can make applications much more beautiful in Data Studio than in QlikSense, and for me appearance is not just perfumery.

In terms of the front end, QlikSense looks like a beta tool.

Creator II
Creator II

@flaviosouza37  .... LIKE!!!🙂👏


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Status changed to: Closed - Archived