We have tables in DB2 that get loaded through processes (using the LOAD utilities in DB2). This prevents Replicate from picking up the changes (even though it does detect that the table has been technically updated, it does not pull those changes). The message that gets generated is: subtype 83 operations (load replace or load resume) can be configured using the internal parameter "db2LoadOption". We would expect in this situation that the R4Z function on the DB2 side would push all the data in the table when this status is detected (effectively like a full reload). We are aware we can schedule a task in Replicate to periodically do a task reload, however that requires either separate tasks (from non-full load tasks) or reloading all the tables in the task, and also has the downside of not being linked to the table data load. Also we could use the API services, however, that requires development on our Db2 system which is not feasible. We would prefer the intended behavior for these tables to push the data for these tables (when encountering the status 83), in full to the downstream task. This will prevent manual interventions or scheduling complex tasks to reload, and also development on the source DB2 side which is technically not feasible.
In Short we are asking to have Replicate enhanced for DB2 (z/OS) to push the table data in full over to Replicate (from the R4Z most likely) when the status 83 (db2LoadOption) is encountered.