When we have a lot of application in NPrinting, it is very boring to filter continuesly the application when designing a new task (filter, report, task...)
Please add an option to lock the application filter.
Cosign - also, and this may be what you're getting at, but carrying the filters along with you throughout the application. If i'm working on a report, i'm working on that same report for awhile. So, if i've selected a connection or a report on one page I likely still want that filter on the next page (you know, like Qlik Sense : ))
Constant reset of filters when navigating admin console and fact that number of rows also resets to "10" all the time drives me nuts! It makes navigation in admin console very hard, prone to errors and accidental changes, especially when you have many apps, connections, reports, tasks etc...
You dont realize this until you have at least like 11 apps, 11 connections, 11 reports and "11 whatever"..., because as soon as you have 11 of "something" you are forced each time you change view to toggle app filter or change at the bottom default filter from 10 to say 25 or 50 or 100...
@Andrew_Kruger - try it for yourself and you will realize after 3 min that you had enough - I can bet you on that!
I guess it does not require big effort to implement suggested solution so I would hope that R&D in their spare time would put that idea forward 🙂
I bet whoever took this decision to 'not planned' has not used production level nprinting in their life time.
I cannot believe no one in Qlik has seen this.
This is the most frustrating UI I have ever seen. The usability level was better in the websites made before 2000. More disappointing to know that its so easy to implement keeping in mind the technological features available these days.
I could not agree with you more. And I don't think like should be count the same for Sense and Nprinting. I'm not sure it is popular (or in use) as much as the sense. But... give it some time and they will probably announce of NP SAAS... and you will have it there.....
Hi, this idea has been in "Not Planned" status for over a year and is still not in consideration. If you'd like to open a new request, please visit theBrowse and Suggest pageand click "Suggest features" and open a new request.