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New Get Method for Table key - Replicate

Contributor II
Contributor II

New Get Method for Table key - Replicate

I'm using AEM API 6.4 & currently there is no option to export table details like key based on which a table is replicated. Please provide a method to get this information. There are methods to get table lists and get task details none of which have this specifi information.  


We are in process of integrating Enterprise Manager with Qlik Catalog.

This integration will provide you access to full set of metadata related information, APIs and lineage.

Status changed to: Open - In Development
Contributor II
Contributor II

@Ola_Mayer  Thank you for the update.  Couple of questions: 
1. How much work would it be to upgrade AEM API code written against 6.4 API to Qlick Catalog ( if the access to the metadata is still through API in QC) ?
2. Which version/release is this feature targeted for?


Based on our support policy6.4 release of Replicate will be EOLed by April. We are not planning any enhancements for that release anymore. The plan is to role out this integration by the end of this year.

Former Employee
Former Employee

The integration between Enterprise Manager and Qlik Catalog is now available in Nov 2020 release.  

Status changed to: Delivered