Qlik Catalog has a nice resource that is publish data directly to Qlik Sense. While Qlik Sense uses associative engine, is necessary change column names to allow end users or BI analysts link tables (associate) through associative model. A best solution is Catalog, because a Business Name is available to rename columns before delivery it to Sense. That means a Data Administrator can change columns name in Qlik Catalog, allowing Qlik Sense get data automatically linked by new column names (id to id). Further more, field names not intuitive can be changed to both elegant and intuitive names. All this is very nice in Qlik Catalog!
But, life is not perfect. 😞
Catalog has two different ways to delivery Data direct to analytics tools like Qlik Sense. First one is Catalog reading all data sources and storing tables in a new destination, what Catalog calls MANAGED ENTITIES. For this entities Business Name (I mean, change names of columns in Qlik Catalog before delivery it to Sense) works perfectly. However, tables can be set as Registered, that means Qlik Catalog will NOT load data into other repository, but will inform Qlik Sense to get data direct from data source. In this case, Catalog will NOT change column names, although Business Name option exists for Registered entities.
I'd like suggest Catalog uses Business Name in Source Module (also called EXTERNAL) adding alias (AS) in SELECT statements when reading tables or files in Registered mode. It's a very usefully feature in Managed tables that should exists in Registered as well.
