Currently, we don't see an CI/CD integration with the QR - Its an click ops. There is an demand to maintain QR tasks with its tables and schemas as an code in GitHub and implement CI/CD for promoting into other environment like test, QA and prod.
Problem to be considered for Ideation :
1. Import/Export tasks should have an feature to import complete task i.e including the source / target tables and its metadata(columns) - So that the change management and versioning can be maintained at the table/field granular level.
2. Include the Qlik API's to add, remove and update the source and target tables with there respective columns for a given task.
3. Import /Export endpoints separately - There should be an feature to change the source and target endpoints with there settings for example change of password or secrets. It should further enable the tasks to fetch the updated details from the endpoints imported with latest details.
In summary, we request to maintain the tasks and endpoints to be maintained as an configuration (json) in Github repo as an code for enabling the CI/CD pipelines and automations.