Hi, when replicating from AWS Aurora Postgres to Snowflake, Qlik Replicate tasks create all objects in Snowflake with quoted identifiers. From the source, none of our tables/columns have quoted or require quotes. Example target table on Snowflake:
create or replace TABLE TESTDB."testschema"."test_table"
( "test_table_id" NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL,
"col1" VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,
"col2" NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL
, "created_date" TIMESTAMP_NTZ(6) NOT NULL
, "created_by" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
,"updated_date" TIMESTAMP_NTZ(6) NOT NULL
, "updated_by" VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL
, constraint test_table_key_PK primary key ("test_table_id") );
This adds quite a bit of overhead when coding in Snowflake. We would like to make this either a parameter or a way to exclude quoting all objects.