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Qlik Replicate Should Maintain Transaction Log Order for Informix

Contributor II
Contributor II

Qlik Replicate Should Maintain Transaction Log Order for Informix


With Informix sources if there is an interruption to the pipeline Transaction Log (logical logs Informix Terminology) order is not capture property by Qlik Replicate:

Ex. LSN numbers are consumed in the same order as the the data is written into the logical logs from Source transactions causing data integrity issues in target systems.  LSNs during a pipeline interruption are not populated to targets.  The pipeline would sometimes skip over transactions that are populated during the disruption. Other replication technologies pickup after the last LSN read.  We do not experience this issue in SQL Server, Oracle, and MariaDB. 


With Informix as a source we would Qlik to pick up form the last LSN after any disruption in the pipeline such as SQL server, Oracle and MariaDb.  These 3 sources capture data for us fine Informix we have data integrity issues. 

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Will - i am investigating internally and will update ASAP.


Hi Will,

As a quick update, we did create a prioritized item for this and have added it to the list of work. for the November Release. I know this may be and it is possible it will change. I will keep you posted eitehr way.






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