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Qlik Sense and NPrinting OnDemand extension and SSO using SAML auth


Qlik Sense and NPrinting OnDemand extension and SSO using SAML auth

It has been confirmed with Qlik that the OnDemand button only supports Windows NTLM authentication, that is when a user logs in to Qlik Sense via Windows, the OnDemand button then logs the user into NPrinting via Windows and the reports get generated immediately.

However, when a user is logged in to Qlik Sense via SAML authentication in Qlik Sense and NPrinting, The OnDemand button does not automatically authenticate the user into NPrinting and the report is not generated. This  is where the problem is and this feature / process does not exist in the OnDemand button functionality yet.

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

This is a very import feature for many customers.


This is an important feature. Qlik does not look very professional to the end users.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

One more thing, when you decide to support on-demand reports for SAML (etc) users.

Please ensure that you include support for Sense apps with section access based on GROUP, and not just USERID!

The current implementation of NPritning does not reply user groups in request from NPrinting server to the Sense server. And section access rules that are based on GROUP will then give Access denied to users that normally are allowed to open the app, due to their group memberships.

(Maybe this is indirectly solved when Sense starts persisting attributes coming from ticket/JWT/SAML?)


This is crazy, we spotted no warning as we started down this path that this would happen.  Qlik Sense supports SSO and nprinting is supposed to be an integrated part of the product suite.  I'm also told that nprinting supports SAML for when a user wants to go to their newstand etc, but haven't tested that yet.  But the basic ondemand printing doesn't.

This needs to move up the development priority!

Partner - Contributor III
Partner - Contributor III

We have the same issue at a customer running NPrinting on Demand and SAML SSO.

Is there any timeline for this to be looked at by Qlik?


We have the same issue. It is anything but userfriendly.

Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Apparently, has now an on-demand reporting solution, that works with SAML SSO (i.e. Azure AD, etc).


Contributor III
Contributor III

Very good idea! We are using SAML auth in both sense and nprinting so we are not able to use on demand. Please fix this.

Creator III
Creator III


this is necessary for using NPrinting in the QlikSense environment..


Can somebody tell if this is happening in the near future, because the start from this message is almost 2 years ago.


I can't stress enough the importance for support of this feature. Any update on this? has it moved up with some ETA defined ? @Zareh_T   @Andrew_Kruger