Problem: Selection Bookmarks in a specific app, leads to high memory consumption
Cause: The affected app has a large table and the problem is related when you apply a bookmark, selections are made first before the client switches sheets. So the selection were applied on the sheet with the large table.
Solution provided by Qlik: The best approach is to re-design the application to some extent by including a few select calculation conditions where necessary
Our feedback: The proposed/recommended workaround would work for Guided Analytics. But… this is NOT a viable solution by default in a data discovery/Self-service environment : this means every single user will need to manually add this condition to their reports (when they get bigger). This sounds like a design flaw on the Qlik side which of course can happen, but we want Qlik to plan a solution for this. Issues like this are a killer for using Qlik as a self-service solution.