It should be nice if we could set the axis format independently from the format set in the expression. Currently axis labels for numbers inherit of the format set at the measure level (Auto, Number, custom ... and measure expression).
But for instance, when i use a dual only to display values at the specific data points, especially with %, it works well in the chart area but the format on the axis is broken (see below I would have get 100.0%, 0.0%, -100.0% while in the expression I've written :
if([OrderDate.autoCalendar.YearQuarter]= '2020-Q4', num( Sum(Sales)/above(Sum(Sales)) -1, '0.0%'), ' ')
, Sum(Sales)/above(Sum(Sales)) -1
Maybe even much better would be to have option for values on data points at first, last, min, max data points/bars as according to visualization standards then to avoid to use ugly expression like "duals" 😉