The "auto" number format is great - it automatically shows the number in thousands, millions, billions, etc... What would be extremely helpful is the ability to add a currency symbol to it. Without it, we are still forced to evaluate the number in a nested IF statement and format the number manually, just because we can't add the dollar sign to the number.
Example: in order to produce something like this: $32.1M
We have to calculate something like this:
IF(Sum(Sales)>1000000000, num(Sum(Sales)/1000000000, '$#,##0.0B'),
IF(Sum(Sales)>1000000, num(Sum(Sales)/1000000, '$#,##0.0M'),
IF(Sum(Sales)>1000, num(Sum(Sales)/1000, '$#,##0.0k'),
num(Sum(Sales), '$#,##0'))))
Pretty ridiculous, don't you think? All this could be saved with a simple checkbox "Currency" and the currency symbol next to it...
Thank you for your consideration!
Oleg Troyansky