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Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni


1. Add a sort ascending/descending capability to the Sense Overview.

2. Add search capability to the same.

3. Fix the dreadful - click Edit to save - really !? Edit means edit not save.

4. Flag which variables created in script editor were done with SET or LET.

5. Flag which variables are used in the app with a simple Y/N flag icon.

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II
  • When Import variables from excel, the variable are create a lock for future Edition (This is good)
  • But, if the file is not present in the directory. The variables gets enable for Edition (What is bad). I don't want the end users to Edit the content of the variables. 
Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Sorry - don't fully understand. Why would a user be given access to edit such a file ? Imo all configuration files should be a) only available to specified users via a data connection and b) versioned in GIT.

Partner - Contributor II
Partner - Contributor II

Sorry I didn't explain the scenario.

  1. We've defined all the variables in an excel file.
  2. In Dev mode, if the file is present (exist) in the Directory, the variables is LOCKED for edition. That mean, the only way to edit the variables is editing the file.
  3. When we deliver the application to a customer, we don't want to deliver the Variable File, because we don't want them to see or change the content.  But, by doing this, the Variables change to be Editable. (We don't want this).

The question is: how can we do, to import the variables from a source that is not visible to the end user and the variables stay locked for edition.

Thank you


Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

QlikView and Qlik Sense each have a series of variables that control how the product operates (as does pretty much every other software product in existence).

The best solution here would be a simple extension of the current mechanism to support system-level variables defined by the administrator.  Qlik could even package a default set of useful variables for items like data storage root(s).

They have all of the pieces.  Just add some basic UI to allow ease of viewing/configuration/maintenance of what effectively becomes a small set of user-defined decodes.

I've done this via text files for admin-level work (because they were part of a load script) and Excel for application-level variables (for other reasons).

That would help, but "not visible to the end user" depends on files' access control.  Someone already mentioned Github, which is good because you cannot 100% protect anything. Do what you can, and design a system that can recover from the rest.

I'm sure there are developers and security experts who would have better ideas.  


Thank you all for your feedback on ways to improve our product. While this is something we understand would be useful, it's not on the short-term roadmap. Please continue to show your support for this idea.



Status changed to: Open - Collecting Feedback
Yes, please make the editing and saving buttons with sense
Partner - Contributor
Partner - Contributor

Sensible suggestion for a much needed change

Luminary Alumni
Luminary Alumni

Thanks again for the votes. I am actively trying to get some basic features in front of R&D so who knows 😉

Extra thoughts :

Basic ? help link

A moveable window

How about Master Variables ?


Do you want this? YES! - When do you wan it? NOW!

Partner - Master II
Partner - Master II

İndeed İ want the search capability, and if possible the find and replace inside the variable editor window 

Yes now