While ago I wrote a simple tutorial on how to connect to Trello API and get the lists and cards into Qlik SenseTrello and Qlik Sense.
Today I will go one step further and add more fields into Trello so we can import them into sense and use them as filters. I will use the labels and due dates.
I like to use labels to highlight the importance or urgency of each project. So I named all of the labels as:
So in one of my cards, I have given it a label of normal and I have added a due date for today which I also marked it as complete. So, this is how my card should like
Now lets go to my Qlik Sense and try to re import the cards.
I have changed the api path from last time to :
Here is my load script
LIB CONNECT TO 'Demos - Trello-cards';
"id" AS "id_u1",
"name" AS "name_u0",
FROM "labels" FK "__FK_labels"),
"id" AS "id_u0",
FROM "members" FK "__FK_members")
FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root";
LOAD [id] AS [trello.label.id],
[idBoard] AS [trello.board.id],
[name] AS [trello.label.name],
[color] AS [trello.label.color],
[uses] AS [trello.label.uses],
[__FK_labels] AS [__KEY_root]
RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable
WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_labels]);
LOAD [id_u0] AS [trello.member.id],
[avatarHash] AS [trello.member.avatarHash],
[fullName] AS [trello.member.fullName],
[initials] AS [trello.member.initials],
[username] AS [trello.member.username],
[__FK_members] AS [__KEY_root]
RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable
WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_members]);
LOAD [id_u1] AS [trello.card.id],
[name_u0] AS [trello.card.name],
[idList] AS [trello.list.id],
[url] AS [trello.card.url],
//[due] AS [trello.card.due],
Date([due],'MM/DD/YYYY') as [trello.card.due],
[dueComplete] AS [trello.card.dueComplete],
[__KEY_root] AS [__KEY_root]
RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable
WHERE NOT IsNull([__KEY_root]);
DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable;
If everything works well you should be able to get all of your cards in the QVF. Now, lets add the filters for priority and completed
That's it!