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got a line chart with 1 dimension called Category
I got a simply expression sum(man_days)
I want the cumulative sum so I used the rangesum(above(sum(man_days),0,rowno())) and it works fine
Now I added a new dimension called Division and I want to calculate the cumulative % of mandays per each division by category
the expression is now rangesum(above(sum(man_days)/sum(total<Division>man_days),1,rowno()))
the above expression doesn't work ( i mean no accumulation is made) checked rangesum(above(sum(man_days)/sum(total<Division>man_days),1,rowno())) it gives zero
I then tried aggr(rangesum(above(sum(man_days)/sum(total<Division>man_days),1,rowno())) ,CAtegory, Divsion) but didn't work
Kindly advise
RangeSum(Above(Sum(man_days) / Sum(Total <Division> man_days), 0, RowNo(Total <Category, Division>)))
rowno() doesn't take other than Total as parameter
please if you are not sure of the answer, don't post it