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I have a rest conection to receive google place_id information and it works fine, but to store i developed two codes first works and second don't only repeat the first CNPJ to all extration.
I put the diference between in red to make easier to see.
Code1: (Works)
PlaceId: LOAD DISTINCT CNPJ,place_id FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\results_RECEITA_BTI.qvd](qvd) Where Len(CNPJ)=14; let vNumDeEnderecos = NoOfRows('PlaceId'); For i_Enderecos =0 to $(vNumDeEnderecos)-1 let vPlaceId = peek( 'place_id', $(i_Enderecos) ); let vCnpj = peek( 'CNPJ', $(i_Enderecos) ); LIB CONNECT TO 'Geocode_PlaceId '; RestConnectorMasterTable: SQL SELECT "status", "__KEY_root", (SELECT "@Value", "__FK_html_attributions" FROM "html_attributions" FK "__FK_html_attributions" ArrayValueAlias "@Value"), (SELECT "adr_address", "formatted_address", "formatted_phone_number", "icon", "id", "international_phone_number", "name", "place_id", "rating" AS "rating_u0", "reference", "scope", "url", "utc_offset", "vicinity", "website", "__KEY_result", "__FK_result", (SELECT "long_name", "short_name", "__KEY_address_components", "__FK_address_components", (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u0", "__FK_types" FROM "types" FK "__FK_types" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u0") FROM "address_components" PK "__KEY_address_components" FK "__FK_address_components"), (SELECT "__KEY_geometry", "__FK_geometry", (SELECT "lat", "lng", "__FK_location" FROM "location" FK "__FK_location"), (SELECT "__KEY_viewport", "__FK_viewport", (SELECT "lat" AS "lat_u0", "lng" AS "lng_u0", "__FK_northeast" FROM "northeast" FK "__FK_northeast"), (SELECT "lat" AS "lat_u1", "lng" AS "lng_u1", "__FK_southwest" FROM "southwest" FK "__FK_southwest") FROM "viewport" PK "__KEY_viewport" FK "__FK_viewport") FROM "geometry" PK "__KEY_geometry" FK "__FK_geometry"), (SELECT "open_now", "__KEY_opening_hours", "__FK_opening_hours", (SELECT "__KEY_periods", "__FK_periods", (SELECT "day", "time", "__FK_close" FROM "close" FK "__FK_close"), (SELECT "day" AS "day_u0", "time" AS "time_u0", "__FK_open" FROM "open" FK "__FK_open") FROM "periods" PK "__KEY_periods" FK "__FK_periods"), (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u1", "__FK_weekday_text" FROM "weekday_text" FK "__FK_weekday_text" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u1") FROM "opening_hours" PK "__KEY_opening_hours" FK "__FK_opening_hours"), (SELECT "height", "photo_reference", "width", "__KEY_photos", "__FK_photos", (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u2", "__FK_html_attributions_u0" FROM "html_attributions" FK "__FK_html_attributions_u0" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u2") FROM "photos" PK "__KEY_photos" FK "__FK_photos"), (SELECT "compound_code", "global_code", "__FK_plus_code" FROM "plus_code" FK "__FK_plus_code"), (SELECT "author_name", "author_url", "language", "profile_photo_url", "rating", "relative_time_description", "text", "time" AS "time_u1", "__FK_reviews" FROM "reviews" FK "__FK_reviews"), (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u3", "__FK_types_u0" FROM "types" FK "__FK_types_u0" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u3") FROM "result" PK "__KEY_result" FK "__FK_result") FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root" WITH CONNECTION(Url "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=$(vPlaceId)&key=$(vKeyPlace)"); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [types]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u0] AS [@Value_u0], [__FK_types] AS [__KEY_address_components] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_types]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [address_components]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [long_name] AS [long_name], [short_name] AS [short_name], [__KEY_address_components] AS [__KEY_address_components], [__FK_address_components] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_address_components]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [location]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [lat] AS [lat], [lng] AS [lng], [__FK_location] AS [__KEY_geometry] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_location]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [close]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [day] AS [day], [time] AS [time], [__FK_close] AS [__KEY_periods] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_close]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [open]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [day_u0] AS [day_u0], [time_u0] AS [time_u0], [__FK_open] AS [__KEY_periods] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_open]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [periods]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [__KEY_periods] AS [__KEY_periods], [__FK_periods] AS [__KEY_opening_hours] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_periods]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [weekday_text]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u1] AS [@Value_u1], [__FK_weekday_text] AS [__KEY_opening_hours] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_weekday_text]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [opening_hours]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [open_now] AS [open_now], [__KEY_opening_hours] AS [__KEY_opening_hours], [__FK_opening_hours] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_opening_hours]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [photos]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [height] AS [height], [photo_reference] AS [photo_reference], [width] AS [width], [__KEY_photos] AS [__KEY_photos], [__FK_photos] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_photos]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [reviews]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [author_name] AS [author_name], [author_url] AS [author_url], [language] AS [language], [profile_photo_url] AS [profile_photo_url], [rating] AS [rating], [relative_time_description] AS [relative_time_description], [text] AS [text], [time_u1] AS [time_u1], [__FK_reviews] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_reviews]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [types_u0]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u3] AS [@Value_u3], [__FK_types_u0] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_types_u0]); // LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [result]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [adr_address] AS [adr_address], [formatted_address] AS [formatted_address], [formatted_phone_number] AS [formatted_phone_number], [icon] AS [icon], [id] AS [id], [international_phone_number] AS [international_phone_number], [name] AS [name], [place_id] AS [place_id], [rating_u0] AS [rating_u0], [reference] AS [reference], [scope] AS [scope], [url] AS [url], [utc_offset] AS [utc_offset], [vicinity] AS [vicinity], [website] AS [website], [__KEY_result] AS [__KEY_result], [__FK_result] AS [__KEY_root] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_result]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [root]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [status] AS [status], [__KEY_root] AS [__KEY_root] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__KEY_root]); Concatenate([types]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_types.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([address_components]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_address_components.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([location]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_location.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([close]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_close.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([open]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_open.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([periods]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_periods.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([weekday_text]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_weekday_text.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([opening_hours]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_opening_hours.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([photos]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_photos.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([reviews]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_reviews.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([types_u0]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_types_u0.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([result]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_result.qvd](qvd); Concatenate([root]) LOAD DISTINCT * FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_root.qvd](qvd); // //********************************************************************* STORE [types]INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_types.qvd](qvd); STORE [address_components] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_address_components.qvd](qvd); STORE [location] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_location.qvd](qvd); STORE [close] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_close.qvd](qvd); STORE [open] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_open.qvd](qvd); STORE [periods] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_periods.qvd](qvd); STORE [weekday_text] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_weekday_text.qvd](qvd); STORE [opening_hours] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_opening_hours.qvd](qvd); STORE [photos] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_photos.qvd](qvd); STORE [reviews] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_reviews.qvd](qvd); STORE [types_u0] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_types_u0.qvd](qvd); STORE [result] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_result.qvd](qvd); STORE [root] INTO [lib://Dados/Light P&D\PlaceId\PlaceId_root.qvd](qvd); DROP TABLES [types], [address_components], [location], [close], [open], [periods], [weekday_text], [opening_hours], [photos], [reviews], [types_u0], [result], [root]; DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable; Next; EXIT SCRIPT;
Code 2: (Not working)
PlaceId: LOAD DISTINCT CNPJ,place_id FROM [lib://Dados/Light P&D\results_RECEITA_BTI.qvd](qvd) Where Len(CNPJ)=14; let vNumDeEnderecos = NoOfRows('PlaceId'); For i_Enderecos =0 to $(vNumDeEnderecos)-1 let vPlaceId = peek( 'place_id', $(i_Enderecos) ); let vCnpj = peek( 'CNPJ', $(i_Enderecos) ); LIB CONNECT TO 'Geocode_PlaceId (bi_bi.desenvolvimento)'; RestConnectorMasterTable: SQL SELECT "status", "__KEY_root", (SELECT "@Value", "__FK_html_attributions" FROM "html_attributions" FK "__FK_html_attributions" ArrayValueAlias "@Value"), (SELECT "adr_address", "formatted_address", "formatted_phone_number", "icon", "id", "international_phone_number", "name", "place_id", "rating" AS "rating_u0", "reference", "scope", "url", "utc_offset", "vicinity", "website", "__KEY_result", "__FK_result", (SELECT "long_name", "short_name", "__KEY_address_components", "__FK_address_components", (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u0", "__FK_types" FROM "types" FK "__FK_types" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u0") FROM "address_components" PK "__KEY_address_components" FK "__FK_address_components"), (SELECT "__KEY_geometry", "__FK_geometry", (SELECT "lat", "lng", "__FK_location" FROM "location" FK "__FK_location"), (SELECT "__KEY_viewport", "__FK_viewport", (SELECT "lat" AS "lat_u0", "lng" AS "lng_u0", "__FK_northeast" FROM "northeast" FK "__FK_northeast"), (SELECT "lat" AS "lat_u1", "lng" AS "lng_u1", "__FK_southwest" FROM "southwest" FK "__FK_southwest") FROM "viewport" PK "__KEY_viewport" FK "__FK_viewport") FROM "geometry" PK "__KEY_geometry" FK "__FK_geometry"), (SELECT "open_now", "__KEY_opening_hours", "__FK_opening_hours", (SELECT "__KEY_periods", "__FK_periods", (SELECT "day", "time", "__FK_close" FROM "close" FK "__FK_close"), (SELECT "day" AS "day_u0", "time" AS "time_u0", "__FK_open" FROM "open" FK "__FK_open") FROM "periods" PK "__KEY_periods" FK "__FK_periods"), (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u1", "__FK_weekday_text" FROM "weekday_text" FK "__FK_weekday_text" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u1") FROM "opening_hours" PK "__KEY_opening_hours" FK "__FK_opening_hours"), (SELECT "height", "photo_reference", "width", "__KEY_photos", "__FK_photos", (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u2", "__FK_html_attributions_u0" FROM "html_attributions" FK "__FK_html_attributions_u0" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u2") FROM "photos" PK "__KEY_photos" FK "__FK_photos"), (SELECT "compound_code", "global_code", "__FK_plus_code" FROM "plus_code" FK "__FK_plus_code"), (SELECT "author_name", "author_url", "language", "profile_photo_url", "rating", "relative_time_description", "text", "time" AS "time_u1", "__FK_reviews" FROM "reviews" FK "__FK_reviews"), (SELECT "@Value" AS "@Value_u3", "__FK_types_u0" FROM "types" FK "__FK_types_u0" ArrayValueAlias "@Value_u3") FROM "result" PK "__KEY_result" FK "__FK_result") FROM JSON (wrap on) "root" PK "__KEY_root" WITH CONNECTION(Url "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?placeid=$(vPlaceId)&key=$(vKeyPlace)"); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [types]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u0] AS [@Value_u0], [__FK_types] AS [__KEY_address_components] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_types]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [address_components]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [long_name] AS [long_name], [short_name] AS [short_name], [__KEY_address_components] AS [__KEY_address_components], [__FK_address_components] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_address_components]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [location]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [lat] AS [lat], [lng] AS [lng], [__FK_location] AS [__KEY_geometry] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_location]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [close]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [day] AS [day], [time] AS [time], [__FK_close] AS [__KEY_periods] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_close]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [open]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [day_u0] AS [day_u0], [time_u0] AS [time_u0], [__FK_open] AS [__KEY_periods] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_open]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [periods]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [__KEY_periods] AS [__KEY_periods], [__FK_periods] AS [__KEY_opening_hours] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_periods]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [weekday_text]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u1] AS [@Value_u1], [__FK_weekday_text] AS [__KEY_opening_hours] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_weekday_text]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [opening_hours]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [open_now] AS [open_now], [__KEY_opening_hours] AS [__KEY_opening_hours], [__FK_opening_hours] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_opening_hours]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [photos]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [height] AS [height], [photo_reference] AS [photo_reference], [width] AS [width], [__KEY_photos] AS [__KEY_photos], [__FK_photos] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_photos]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [reviews]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [author_name] AS [author_name], [author_url] AS [author_url], [language] AS [language], [profile_photo_url] AS [profile_photo_url], [rating] AS [rating], [relative_time_description] AS [relative_time_description], [text] AS [text], [time_u1] AS [time_u1], [__FK_reviews] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_reviews]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [types_u0]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [@Value_u3] AS [@Value_u3], [__FK_types_u0] AS [__KEY_result] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_types_u0]); // LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [result]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [adr_address] AS [adr_address], [formatted_address] AS [formatted_address], [formatted_phone_number] AS [formatted_phone_number], [icon] AS [icon], [id] AS [id], [international_phone_number] AS [international_phone_number], [name] AS [name], [place_id] AS [place_id], [rating_u0] AS [rating_u0], [reference] AS [reference], [scope] AS [scope], [url] AS [url], [utc_offset] AS [utc_offset], [vicinity] AS [vicinity], [website] AS [website], [__KEY_result] AS [__KEY_result], [__FK_result] AS [__KEY_root] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__FK_result]); //LEFT JOIN (PlaceId) [root]: LOAD '$(vCnpj)' as CNPJ, [status] AS [status], [__KEY_root] AS [__KEY_root] RESIDENT RestConnectorMasterTable WHERE NOT IsNull([__KEY_root]); //************** LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [types]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [address_components]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [location]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [close]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [open]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [periods]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [weekday_text]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [opening_hours]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [photos]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [reviews]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [types_u0]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [result]; LEFT JOIN (PlaceId)LOAD * RESIDENT [root]; //************** DROP TABLES [types], [address_components], [location], [close], [open], [periods], [weekday_text], [opening_hours], [photos], [reviews], [types_u0], [result], [root]; DROP TABLE RestConnectorMasterTable; Next; EXIT SCRIPT;