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Contributor III
Contributor III

Task failed нет возможности посмотреть script log

После обновления Qlik Sense до April 2019 в qmc/task у тасков в статусе Failed пропала возможность скачать лог.


У завершенных по прежнему можно скачать лог


Кто сталкивался, как починить?

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8 Replies
Former Employee
Former Employee

If you don't have the ability to download the script log, the task most likely failed before the engine started the reload, therefore no script log was created.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Вот содержимое приложения:


Я специально спровоцировал ошибку для наглядности.

Former Employee
Former Employee

Hey Sergey,

When a task is triggered there are several steps which take place before a Document Log will be created. If any of these steps fail, you will see "Failed" in the QMC and a Document Log will be unavailable. This answers your initial question on why you're unable to download the Document log: it doesn't exist.

Now, if you'd like to figure out why the task failed to begin with, the process is not terribly complicated. You know at what time the task triggered and what time you got the "failed" message, so just search your logs for "Error" or "Warn" during that time period. You'll find something which is either declarative or at least searchable in our Knowledgebase (link below). The most common reasons a task would fail at this point are:

1. No Engine available

2. Document Corrupt

3. Document locked by another program (usually antivirus)

Contributor III
Contributor III

До перехода на апрельскую версию этой проблемы не было.

Скрипт с ошибкой есть в папке C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Log\Script

image.pngно отсутствует в папке C:\QlikShare\ArchivedLogs\pimserver\Script

Former Employee
Former Employee

Hey Sergey,

If I do the same thing, I am able to download the script log so there may be something on your end suppressing the log.

script log.pngscript.png

I notice that you're using legacy mode, so maybe try disabling that?

Contributor III
Contributor III

In the February version, it worked for me too, but after switching to the April one, I have such an error.

Disable the legacy mode is not possible, because I have over 100 applications that have absolute paths.
It sounds strange that the legacy mode affects the availability of logs.

Former Employee
Former Employee

I should have stated that I was testing in April as well. 

I agree that disabling Legacy Mode should not affect this, but it is the only known difference between our setups currently. Are your logs being stored locally? 

Contributor III
Contributor III

Yes, my logs being stored locally

Apparently there are still differences....

Writed in support qlik