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Partner - Contributor

Understanding Process Time in Qlik Telemetry dashboard

I am seeing some really long Process time in Qlik telemetry but the Peak Ram (MB) is almost at 0 in the Telemetry dashboard. According to the documentation, the Process Time is the end-to-end clock time of a request.  I am wondering if the end-to-end in this case INCLUDES the time for the client(browser) to receive and process the data? Or this is purely time internal to Qlik to process the data and send it off to the browser? 

Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 2.24.14 PM.png


Thank you!

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This process time is the internal engine service operation process time.  The most common options are as below. 

Method Description
Global::OpenApp Opening an application
Doc::DoReload, Doc::DoReloadEx Reloading an application
Doc::DoSave Saving an application
GenericObject::GetLayout Calculating a hypercube (i.e., chart object)


In your screenshot, the process time is for GetLayout operation process. 

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