See how powerful FROM_FIELD() is. It helped me extract a simple JSON data structure from a field into it's own dimension table.
This is a simple example that works with flat json, meaning non-nested json hierarchies. However, you can use a combination of other functions like JSONGET() and JSONSET() to extract needed data. More examples on this to follow.
for values containing multiple values like "license_no":[null,"1","2","3"] values in final table is getting converted to some code how to decode it or prevent it from happening.
Hi @Michael_Tarallo, can you please explain how to parse a more complex and nested json? I have a json with multiple fields and one of these is a nested json. The problem is that, using from_field method, i get the field whom contain a json, as a hexadecimal value. This is an example of my structure: { "id": "123", "sorgente": "ABC", "tipo": "MANUALE", "data": "2019-12-30 00:00:00+01:00", "destinazione": "SX", "parametri": null, "files": [ { "id_file": "123.001", "file_lavorato": null, "estensione_file": "PDF", "documenti": null } ] }