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Hi Team,
I m creating SAML virtual proxy from Qlik-cli and got stuck as SAML attribute map parameter. This parameter takes hashtable as input so i used below code . In powershell, I created variable $hash and provided all the required parameters . I am passing this $hash to -samlAttributeMap (please check at end of the script).
After executing the script, I m getting error "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request". Can anyone please help me how to achieve this ?
Connect-Qlik -TrustAllCerts
$hash = @{ Role = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/ws/2008/06/identity/claims/role"; Email = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/emailaddress"; Name = "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/name"}
New-QlikVirtualProxy -description SAML_rim -sessionCookieHeaderName X-Qlik-Session-SAML -authenticationMethod SAML -prefix saml -samlAttributeUserDirectory [SAML] -samlAttributeUserId http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity/claims/upn -samlEntityId 9822314-dev -samlHostUri https://dataviz.gcp.cloud.uk/ -samlSigningAlgorithm sha256 -sessionInactivityTimeout 30 -loadBalancingServerNodes ce4e22bd-b472-466e-b9c2-e8c004dc644d -websocketCrossOriginWhiteList dataviz.gcp.cloud.uk -samlAttributeMap $hash
Hello @jshashiv
The documentation on this JSON structure is available here:
If you are unsure about how it should be, you can also check it in the browser devtools when you try to perform the same action in the QMC.
I can see that the structure should be the following:
Hello @jshashiv
The documentation on this JSON structure is available here:
If you are unsure about how it should be, you can also check it in the browser devtools when you try to perform the same action in the QMC.
I can see that the structure should be the following: