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Blendr iFrame Embedding and 3rd party cookies

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Blendr iFrame Embedding and 3rd party cookies

Last Update:

Jul 28, 2021 4:45:02 PM

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Created date:

Feb 23, 2021 7:32:11 AM


As browsers are putting more and more restrictions on the use of third party cookies, the Blendr embedded iFrame solution could be impacted in certain browsers in the future. This is because Blendr relies on functional cookies to recognize user sessions and any cookie in an embedded iframe on a different domain than the parent frame, is automatically considered a “third party cookie“ for most browsers.


A potential solution to this involves us configuring a vanity URL for your Blendr hub that’s in the same domain as your main application. Doing this, the iFramed application (Blendr), will effectively be in the same domain as the parent frame, which means that the Blendr functional cookies will no longer be considered as being “third party“.

If this is something you’d see as interesting for your use case, there is some set-up necessary to achieve this.

  1. Please choose a preferred subdomain and share your chosen URL for the Blendr hub (e.g. if your application's URL is, this could be or ).

  2. Add the DNS records on your end and share the details with us.

  3. We’ll configure this on our side and we’ll provide you with some additional DNS changes to configure on your side.

If you're interested in how this solution could work for you, please contact support.


Please note, we can only configure one vanity URL per provider. If your application runs on multiple domains or supports vanity URLs for your own customers, this solution will not apply.

An alternative solution will be to use the Blendr SaaS API to build your own UI, as this solution does not rely on cookies. 

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Last update:
‎2021-07-28 04:45 PM
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