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Gold Client BW Usage Examples

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Gold Client BW Usage Examples

Last Update:

Jul 19, 2024 2:18:58 AM

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Created date:

Jul 19, 2024 2:18:58 AM

Gold Client BW is a versatile solution designed to streamline day to day business activities. Gold Client BW helps reduce the need of full system refreshes, provides the ability to copy queries and hierarchies to non-Production systems, and aids in troubleshooting production support issues. The Gold Client BW tool will save time, reduce manual effort, and allows users focus on what matters most.

Usage examples of Gold Client BW are listed below:

  1. Reduce the need for a Full System Refresh by only copying specific data that is required. Limited and efficient data refreshes as users will be copying what is needed.
  2. Improve the quality of data for Development and Testing purposes. This will reduce development cycle times.
  3. BW production fixes. Users will have the ability to copy the data to a lower environment, analyze it and reduce business stoppage time.
  4. Prototyping & Training. Improve prototyping and training ability by using real production data.
  5. Query Copy backs. Gold Client BW provides the option to copy queries developed in Production to a test environment quickly. Users can easily copy a query which is having data discrepancies to a test system for debugging and analysis. In addition, copy Adhoc queries developed in Production to a development environment quickly for the purpose of making them “Certified Queries”.
  6. Copy Hierarchies. This feature enables user to include hierarchies for the master data components using an InfoObject(s).



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Version history
Last update:
‎2024-07-19 02:18 AM
Updated by: