Talend is configured with a Nexus installed on a different machine. A Job is published for the first time to Nexus using Studio. When publishing, or redeploying, the same Job to Nexus again, it fails with the following error:
java.io http://java.io) (http://java.io (http://java.io/) /) .IOException: org.eclipse.aether.deployment.DeploymentException: Failed to deploy artifacts: Could not transfer artifact org.example.bt14.job:wj_test:zip:0.2.0 from/to releases (http://absitstalend:8081/repository/releases/😞 Repository does not allow updating assets
Because it is against Maven best practices, Nexus, by default, disables redeployment of release artifacts. A release Group, Artifact, Version coordinate (GAV) should correspond to a unique artifact, (otherwise your builds will be inconsistent).
To enable redeployment of a Job, change the Deployment policy field in the Repositories configuration to Allow Redeploy in Nexus.
For step-by-step instructions on how to enable redeployment, see '400 Bad Request' error when publishing a Job from Studio to Nexus.