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Unlocking the Power of Qlik NPrinting

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Unlocking the Power of Qlik NPrinting

Last Update:

Jul 9, 2021 4:37:11 AM

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Created date:

Jul 9, 2021 4:37:11 AM


This Support Techspert Thursday session addresses:
- Important Configuration Details when Connecting NPrinting to Qlik Sense
- The Power of Filters
- Tips for Importing Users
- Setting up Automatic Reporting



  • Qlik NPrinting - May 2021
  • Qlik Sense Enterprise - May 2021



00:00 - Intro

01:08 - What is Qlik NPrinting?

01:36 - How does NPrinting work?

02:13 - Demo scenario overview

02:35 - NPrinting Workflow

03:15 - What is an NPrinting app?

04:09 - Creating the NPrinting App

04:43 - Creating the Connection to Qlik Sense

 06:20 - Creating Groups

06:46 - Creating a User

07:12 - Adding Roles

07:24 - Assigning User to a Group

07:32 - Creating a Filter

08:45 - Importing Users with Excel

10:44 - Creating Import Task

11:57 - Creating the Report

12:23 - Creating Templates Using NPrinting Designer

14:03 - Adding Levels

14:45 - Publish Task

15:58 - What is NewsStand?

16:06 - Setting Email Destination

16:53 - Task Triggers

17:18 - Setting Conditions

18:12 - How to Troubleshoot Errors and Warnings

19:16 - NPrinting Log Files

20:40 - Viewing Reports in NewsStand

22:00 - Overview of NPrinting tutorial document

 22:51 - Q&A



Importing Users tempalte of help

Download link to NPrinting Designer


1. Q: Is it possible to create one NPrinting App & connection by using more than one Qlik Sense App?

A: Yes, you can create one NPrinting app and you can connect to multiple Qlik Sense apps. You can also connect to different apps stored in different server or connect to QlikView documents.

2. Q: Is it necessary to make NPrinting users while sending mails to multiple users?

A: You must have at least one user in Qlik NPrinting to send the report to. You can add alist of user in CC or BCC that will receive a copy of the message in the task.

3. Q: Where can we find more information about the Security / roles?

A: You can find more information about security roles in the Qlik Help site.

4. Q:  How many user email addresses can be in one group?

A: You can add as many users as you want to a group, but the e-mail address is assigned only to the users, not to the group. Each user has a specific identifying e-mail address and up to 3 optional alternative addresses.

5. Q:  Is it possible to drop the reports to a network folder?

A: Yes, you can send the report in a network folder. You can find more information in the Qlik Help site in the Distributing report to folder topic.

6. Q: How can we import users from a Qlik entity?

A: We don’t have a feature to import users directly from Qlik entities. You can send them to excel and then import the users form there. You must be sure to respect the order of the fields in the standard Excel template to import users.

7. Q: Is there NPrinting API s available for dev ops? Where can we find more information about that? 

A: Hi, in the Extending Qlik NPrinting section in the Qlik Help site, you can find information about NPrinting API...

8. Q: Which version of NPrinting used in demo? and whether previous versions and current versions of NPrinting are compatible with both QlikView and Sense?

A: The version of Qlik NPrinting used in the demo is the latest one: May 2021 release. Starting from Qlik NPrinting 17, you can connect to both QlikView and Qlik Sense. We recommend that the Qlik NPrinting version is the same as the Qlik Sense version.

9. Q: Any plans to fully integrate NPrinting into Qlik Sense?

A: There’s a plan to implement more Qlik NPrinting capabilities in SaaS editions of Qlik Sense, while the current version of Qlik NPrinting will be maintained to support Qlik Sense and QlikView on premise. 

10. Q: Currently we have to maintain 2 set of users. One for QS and one for NPrinting. Is this the expectation?

A: This is correct, NPrinting users and Sense users are not necessarily the same.

11. Q: Any work being done to stabilize NPrinting? We have to restart NPrinting after every 1 week otherwise all tasks get stuck. We have got same feedback from other teams within our firm.

A: The latest version of NPrinting are stable, you should upgrade to the latest version. If you have any issue related to Qlik NPrinting performance, please open a ticket to Qlik Support that will be happy to help you investigating this issue. 

12. Q: When the Qlik Sense server is down. Does the NPrinting still generate the reports or the Qlik Sense server should be online to do this?

A: NPrinting needs to connect to the Sense server that must be reachable and responding.

13. Q: Hello, I would like to know if there is a way to stop a task that is running (I have an issue and I have tasks that have been running for several days and I am not able to stop them to reload) Thanks!

A: Please, go to Admin>Task executions and click on the “Abort” button near the task name. If needed, you can also stop the NPrinting Engine service.

14. Q: How section Access works in NPrinting? If you can answer that would be helpful. Thanks

A: This article explains how to set up section access. Notice that when you use section access, the NPrinting engine user must be an ADMIN in the SA definition in the script.
Moreover, for Sense connections NPrinting applies SA by re-opening the Qlik Sense application once for each user. This makes impossible to apply several optimizations in the task executions: so reports require more time to be created when Section Access is in use.

15. Q: Do users need to have a QlikSense license to receive emailed reports?

A: Generally, this is not required. NPrinting users are not necessarily the same as the Qlik Sense users. A token must be assigned only to the NPrinting Engine user and to the other users working with Section access.

16. Q: If you have created a condition” chart has value”. How about in a leveled report, on dimension has no values. At the moment, the level is created, by the chart is empty.

A: The condition is evaluated on the filters. Levels, Pages and Cycles are not considered, I.e. the condition is evaluated after that the filters are applied but before the generation of the reports and the application of levels.
Consider that there are two kinds of Conditions: Reports and Task. For the seconds, even the report filters are not considered, just the task ones.
You can find more information here.

17. Q: On the advanced search function for the filters, is this case sensitive? i.e. does it need to be Beverage or beverage.

A: Yes, it is case sensitive

18. Q: What's the best way to keep your import task up to date? For example, we may need to add new users or remove users that are terminated. Also, a user may change its group throughout the year.

A: You can do this by choosing the right option in the import task. You have options to automatically apply in NPrinting the changes you do in the Excel file, so that if a user is edited or removed in Excel, the same happens in NPrinting as well just by re-running the import task. Here is more information.

19. Q: When will NP allow us to duplicate publish tasks, filters, etc? A lot of time could be saved if this functionality was present instead of creating a brand new task or filter.

A: Thanks for the good question. You can ask for new functionalities in our ideation page on the Qlik Community. 

20. Q: If you have NP report run but it contains no Data, will NP print the report or will NP generate an error?

A: Empty data is not considered an error, so the report is supposed to be generated. You can use a condition to block the generation of the report if a chart is empty.

21. Q: How is the performance in QlikSense server side, if we have many reports NPrinting? Impact in RAM or CPU?

A: This depends on the complexity of the reports and of the Qlik Sense applications. NPrinting needs to perform a selection in the Sense app for each filter and cycle and then it has to export charts and images. The formulas in the app charts must be re-calculated at each selection and this can require much CPU if they are complex. 

22. Q: In complement to my question, I tried to Abort it but I get an error message : Something went wrong while aborting execution of the task 'AP042_R2_MPS_A03'.

A: It is possible that an internal process could not be stopped correctly. In this case, I would stop the NPrinting services after aborting the task. If the problem occurs frequently, please, contact Qlik Support.

23. Q: What are potential problems when setting up an import task? My Nprinting, for example, seems not to be able to access my C:\ drive.

A: I think this is the only potential risk. Be sure that the NPrinting service user has access to the folder where you save the Excel file.

24. Q: How to have object ID from Sense when you don’t have Title explicit label?

A: Open the sense app and add /options/developer at the end of the URL and press enter.
Right click on the object you want to import in NPrinting and choose “Debug.” You can use the Object ID in NPrinting.



Hello everyone, and welcome to the July edition of Support Techspert Thursdays. I’m Troy Raney and I’ll be your host for today's session. Today's presentation is Unlocking the Power of Qlik NPrinting with both Andrea Bertazzo and Giuseppe Panella. Andrea why don't you tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, I’m Andrea. I’m working in Qlik Support mainly on the design team and I’m focusing on NPrinting since I joined Qlik; but I was working NPrinting also before in the former Vizubi team, the team that created NPrinting. So, yeah this product is part of my working story, and I would say a nice part of it.
Yeah. I’m Giuseppe Panella and I work in product content and media team; producing videos for the Qlik Help site and Qlik Help YouTube channel. And I joined with Andrea with Vizubi team seven years ago.
Great, and kind of high level; what are we going to be talking about today?
Yeah. Today we are going to introduce you a bit to Qlik NPrinting, that is the reporting and distribution solution for Qlik Sense and QlikView. And it enables you to create, manage and distribute reporting projects. Qlik NPrinting enables organization to easily create reports using data and analytics from Qlik Sense and QlikView in formats such as PowerPoint, Excel and Word.
Or using the built-in the editors like HTML or pixel perfect.
So, from a high-level, how does Qlik NPrinting work?
Yeah. Qlik NPrinting helps users to schedule and generate reports. Can send them to a variety of recipients with filtered information, so every user can have customized information. And you can also deliver reports using email or distribute to corporate directories; or you can publish in NewsStand web portal. That is a portal where you can download subscribe and view the available reports for user.
All right. I mean, I know it's a wonderful product for people who are really looking for some more static reporting and a very pixel perfect, high quality way. Could you set-up for me a scenario on how users can take advantage of NPrinting?
Yes, actually. What we want to show today is a story of an enterprise. So, the Acme Corporation one has two different sales teams they want to send different information. One for the Beverage sector; and one for Food sector.
Each team will receive different reports depending on the team they belong to.
All right.
So, we start with creating an app in NPrinting; and then we create a connection to Qlik Sense. And once we have created this connection, we are going to start populating NPrinting with the users. So, in this case, we are going to create two different groups for two different sales teams. One for Beverage and one for Food; and then we show you how to create the user manually; and how to add role to this user. And then, the best way to do this in NPrinting so importing from Excel and using an import task for importing user in NPrinting. Yeah, we create a filters, so people will receive filtered reports; and then we are going to create the report that is an Excel report, that we are going to distribute through email and to the NewsStand.
Okay, great. Before you show us how all that is done, what version are you going to be demoing?
Currently working with the latest version of NPrinting. That is the May release.
Okay, are NPrinting and Qlik Sense installed on separate machines?
Generally, yes. I’m NPrinting a Qlik Sense should be installed on different machines, because NPrinting and Qlik Sense essentially need to use as much as resources are available on the machine.
We asked to install them separately.
Okay, and Giuseppe was mentioning we needed to start with an NPrinting app?
What is an NPrinting app, and how is that different from a Qlik Sense app?
The NPrinting app is essentially a container. We are going to create this NPrinting app for our Acme project. So, an NPrinting app is what contains everything related to this project. We will see that we will add our report, our users, our filters.
Okay. So, how do we get started?
Just creating the app. So, we click here on apps. And click on the app button. Write a name. You can add a description, but it is optional; and click on Create. The app is ready. You can see it there.
Okay. So, what information do we want to send?
What we want to do is to go to this Qlik Sense application; and to send a report containing this chart to our users. So, we have to create something connecting NPrinting and Qlik Sense.
So, you're setting it up to send that chart to a specific set of users?
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah. We had the app and to create the connection click on Create Connection. As before, just give a name.
Is there a best practice for the naming conventions to use?
Well, you can add many connections to the same app.
It's better that you add a name that reminds you to the content.
That makes sense.
Description is always optional. Connecting to Qlik Sense; so, we choose this. We have to add a proxy address and Sense IP address. Just go back. The proxy address is just the first part. Remove this.
Then the Sense app ID. Keep it and remove the rest.
And, we have our connection ready! Of course, we have to add the connection to our app; and then specify a domain, and a username. This is the user that is connecting to Qlik Sense to get the data.
Should that be an admin account like the user running the NPrinting Engine Service?
Yes. Exactly. It must be an administrator, so that it has full access to Qlik Sense.
Okay. And click on Create. When you do this, NPrinting starts connecting to Qlik Sense and import the data. It is running now.
All right.
If you are connecting for the first time to Qlik Sense; remember that you have to import the Qlik Sense certificates.
So, that's an important step on importing the certificates from Qlik Sense, but you've already done that?
Yeah. So, I have done this some time ago. In general, you have to do this every time you install NPrinting or you upgrade to another version.
Okay. So, we've created the connection; what's next?
Yeah. Now we are going to create the group to organize the user in two different groups.
To create the group, we are going to Admin, and select Groups. In this case, we are going to add the Beverage group.
Click on Create.
Okay. And then we're going to create the second group; that is the Food group. After this, we are going to create the first user. So, we're going to show how to do it manually; but best practice is to create an Excel file to import thousands of users. We're going to insert the email that is required field, and the name of the user. Fill in the password. Since you are going to use the NPrinting authentication, we must insert the password. Choose the time zone. Deutsch. When done. we click on Create. So, now we add Role - are used in NPrinting for security. So, in this case, we're going to add the User Role.
Okay. So, we've gotten our user Ann with an E, and we've given her a User Role. Is she already in a Group?
We are going to assign this User to the Group. In this case, in the Beverage group.
And when done, we are going to create a Filter.
Create Filter.
So, we add a name to the filter. In this case, is Beverage Germany. Then we have to select the app; and select Create. And then we are going to add Fields. We select the connection to Qlik Sense.
So, I see it's picking up all the different fields that are available in that app.
Yeah, exactly. These are all the fields that are available in Qlik Sense. We are going to select, in this case, the Region first.
A specific value. In this case, Germany. And then we are going to add the second field; in this case, the connection is the same; but we are going to select the Product Group. If we write Beverage, you can see that you have two different fields. And so, we are going to use Advanced Search, in this case. All the fields that contain the ‘Beverage’ word will be included.
So, the filter will include both ‘Beverage’ and’ Alcoholic Beverage’ for Germany?
Yeah, exactly.
Creating a user manually is a very useful exercise; but if you have hundreds of users in your company this is not feasible, because it takes too long.
The most powerful way to create your user is to import them from Excel.
You can download this template from our tutorials. You can see you have three different sheets. The second one is Users. Here you can just add the email address of each user, and the user name. Remember those are mandatory fields. And here you have all the other options that are available when you create the users manually. And you can just add the values.
Okay. And do these field names match exactly what NPrinting uses?
Yes. It is important to keep exactly the same name in the Title.
And exactly the same order. That's why we recommend to download the template directly from our Help page.
Yeah, that makes everything easier.
Yeah, it makes everything easier and you're sure that it works. And at the end, you can see that we have a column for the Roles, a column for the Group; so, the user is automatically added to the group that we created. And we have a column for Filters.
But those filters are new, right?
And that's maybe the most powerful part of this process: Importing users from Excel; because you can define your Filters, and they are imported and created automatically. Here you see we have report in the same name that we have here in Users. And here on values, we specified region as before. This field, we can specify the value that we want to select with the filter.
So, each user has its specific region. Moreover, we can also specify the Advanced Search. So again, we specify the name of the field that we want to filter; and then we use this syntax; for example, to select Beverage for the Food group, I added this ‘Excluded’ tag. This means that we keep all the other values.
Great! So, how do we import all of this?
Go to Task and create an import task to do this.
Give a name; add a source. So, here we have to enter the path. You have different options. I recommend to select ALL the options. And when everything is done, you just click on Run Now. Generally pretty fast. And when it is done, you can see that on the Users menu, we have a lot of new users automatically imported by NPrinting.
All right. That's great!
On Filters tab, we have all our new filters. If you open any one of them, in the fields you see that we have our Region selected; but also our advanced search with the selected ‘Excluded’ tag flagged.
That is pretty great to have all that created with one simple task. And if you need to update or change anything, you would just make the changes in the Excel file and then re-run the task?
Exactly. You make the change there and you re-run the task.
So, now we have the connections, our users, and the filters. What's next?
It's time now to create the Report. The report is the file that our users will receive. To do this, let's go on Reports, and click on Create Report.
As before, just add a title. Between the different formats, we choose Excel. We want to create an Excel report. And we specify the app; as always, everything belongs to the app we created. Just click on Create. So, the report is saved. We can click on Edit. To create our file, NPrinting will ask you to choose the application. Application is NPrinting Designer. This is a free software.
And you can download it from our download page and install on the local machine. So, just click on Choose Application; and open the link to Qlik NPrinting Designer.
All right. So, it's firing up.
You can see that NPrinting Designer is embedding; Excel in our case; but it's also showing us a lot of NPrinting options.
Would you also use NPrinting Designer if you had chosen one of the other options like HTML or PowerPoint?
Essentially all reports are working more or less at the same way. We want to send our users this chart. So, to show the image, just click on images. And click on…
So, these are all the objects that exist in the Qlik Sense app?
Yes. Those have been imported when we created the connection.
Okay, and I remember that was called Total Sales.
Exactly. Just write Total Sales. That was the one that we needed. All we have to do is to drag it into the template. This tag will be replaced with the image.
We can also do the same for the table. So, we can import the same in this case as a straight table. It gives us the possibility to drag each single column one by one, but also all together. And this option is quite nice; because it allows us to use Excel formulas. For example, to calculate the total automatically during the generation of the report.
That's really cool.
Now the rest of the z is zero, but it will be populated later. I want to add something more. I want that each user can see the sales emerging for each city in this region. To do this, I create a Level. I click on Add Levels. Levels are cycling on all the values of a specific field.
Okay. So, it's like a cyclic group.
Exactly. So, if I select City for example; and I put the level here, everything between those two tags will be cycled by city, and I will see my image and my table with the value of each city.
Okay. And saving is always good. Do we need to actually run the task that generates the report?
Exactly. So, to create a task, we just go to Task; click on Create a Task. We always have to put the name; a description is optional; and as always, a task belongs to specific app. And click on create. The task is there, but we have to populate it; first with the report. You can add as many reports as you want to the task, each belonging to the same application; we have only one. As output format, we choose Excel.
What were the quality options there?
The quality option is for reports in PDF format.

Okay, and I guess higher quality means larger PDF file size?
Yeah, exactly.
We have to add our users. So, go there click Add Users or Groups. You see we have a lot of users. Fortunately, we created the groups. So, instead of adding each user; we can just add the group. We have one for Beverage and one for Food.
Okay. So, this task will distribute that report that you made to the users in those two groups via the NewsStand?
And what is the NewsStand?
NewsStand is a web portal. Each user can connect to the NewsStand and see the report directly there on the browser.
Can we also send the report via email?
Yes. In Destination, we can choose NewsStand by default selected, but we can select also email.
If we do this, users will receive an email message. Of course, the email message can be customized. You always have to add the subject.
You can also customize it with username, report name or variables from Qlik Sense.
And the reports will come as an attachment to the email, I see.
Yes, the report is an attachment to the email message.
Is it possible to actually embed the report inside the email?
Yes, it is; especially if you create HTML reports you can embed them. Everything is explained in our tutorial.
I guess the next step would be to trigger this task?
You just go to Trigger; give a name; and here you schedule to run it, for example every week, maybe on Monday. Okay?
You can also specify the time. Maybe I want to run it at 8, and just click on Create. NPrinting will automatically start the task execution every Monday at 8.
And the next option there, what are Conditions?
With Condition, you can you can be sure that the report is run only if certain conditions are met.
For example, if a certain chart has no value then it's better not to start the task at all. So, for those kind of needs, you can create your condition. Everything is explained in our tutorials. So, there you can see how to create and apply conditions in NPrinting.
Great! Has the task been triggered yet or can we trigger that manually?
Yes. To trigger the task manually just go to Overview and click on Run Now.
And task will start. You see that it's running here. We have some warnings, so something is not as we expect.
Andrea, if people encounter any errors along this process, how can they find out more information about what might be going wrong?
So, the first thing is to check tasks that are not completed, that have errors or warnings. Just click on the task.
And I can see some warning and error messages.
Okay, so this is pulling information directly from the log files?
Yeah, this is taking information from the log file.
Even if the log file is always more accurate for a more deep analysis. It is better to have a look at the log.
Sure, but this is nice to get kind of a quick preview right in the console. So, it looks like our email server is not configured correctly.
Exactly. I have to reconfigure my SMTP server, because otherwise I cannot send email messages.
Okay, so where do we find those service settings?
In Admin Settings, I have a lot of options – Email.
Yeah. I see it just hasn't been set up yet.
It has not been set up. The address and the port essentially.
There are some other warnings. To investigate those further, where can you find the log files?
The NPrinting logs are saved in C: > ProgramData > NPrinting > Logs. What I really need to troubleshoot problems with the execution of reports is the Engine Log.
And I go to the end to see what is the error message.
The NPrinting Engine, that's the service that's actually running the task?
Exactly. The NPrinting engine is in charge of generating the reports. It creates the file.
And when you look at this, what are you looking for?
I look for errors. For example, in this case, I have a CEF rendering exception.
This means that there is a problem with the image.
If you don't know what that means, what would you do next?
I can copy this. I can just Google for this error message; and you see that there are a lot of articles that can help me. For example, this article shows me how to troubleshoot the problem. You see it is reporting the keywords that I see in the other message: GRPC and CEF. And here, I can see all the steps that I can perform to fix the problem. It's quite long article. Following this article, you are pretty sure that you fix it.
That's great! Can we open up NewsStand to see what the finished report looks like?
Let's connect the NewsStand. And in my case, I can use ‘localhost’ because I am on the local machine; just need to change the number of the port.
Question: is somebody wasn't on the machine where NPrinting was installed, what would the URL be?
You have to specify server DNS and name. Essentially, you use the same address that you use to connect to NPrinting web tool, yes.
And just a different port: 4994 instead of 4993?
Exactly. Just add 1 to the port. I had this user, for example; so, I can use this email; and you can add this password. So, that each user can see only his specific records. And here is the report that NPrinting created. I have a preview where I can quickly check if everything is fine, but if I want to see the entire report, I click on Download. The report is downloaded. Here, I can see I have the first chart with the data for the entire region; the table with the total calculated by Excel; and then data for each city in Spain, in this case. With different totals of course, because those are filtered city by city.
Ah, right, because you had it cycle through every city in the city field.
Yeah, exactly.
That's great! Before you mentioned a tutorial. Can we take a look at that?
You can find all the information about the things that we have talked about today in the tutorial attached to this presentation.
So, we have collected the Qlik Help articles and videos, so you can go and look in details what we have talked about. And we have more information about how to create reports; and different reports; filters; and so on.
Well, this is really great. So, you've kind of collected all the critical information we've talked about, where people can find more documentation and additional instructional videos. This is really great. And everybody, this is going to be sent to you as an attachment to this video on Qlik Community. So, please take a look at the attachments.
Okay. well now it's time for Q&A. Please submit your questions to the Q&A panel on the left side of your On24 console. Andrea and Giuseppe - which question would you like to address first?
Okay. The first question is: when will NPrinting be available for Qlik Sense SaaS?
Okay, and well at the moment, well, there is no plan for having NPrinting connected to Qlik Sense SaaS, but some of the features are already been implemented in the Qlik Sense SaaS. Last month has been released Subscription feature in SaaS edition of Qlik Sense. More feature will be available in the next months; and Qlik NPrinting will be available as a standalone product for Qlik Sense and QlikView on-premise, while in SaaS will be developed a new feature to cover the reporting features of SaaS.
Second question is: doesn't NPrinting consider Section Access when sending records?
Of course, if you have Section Access, you have to specify it in the Connection. You have the option to click for Section Access here > applies user Section Access for reports. When you do this, be sure that the NPrinting user you are connecting with, I mean this user is Admin in the Section Access definition. So, each report can be opened and then the selection of Section Access will be applied to each user that you have defined in the User section; so, here, right?
That makes sense, yeah.
Consider that Section Access may increase the time necessary to create your reports, because you have to open the Qlik Sense application or the QlikView application every time for each user; so not only once for all the users, but once for each user. So, it takes a bit more.
Next question is: does NPrinting need to be installed in on a separate machine?
Well, even if there are no conflicts between NPrinting and Qlik Sense / QlikView services; NPrinting must be installed on a separate machine in the same domain as Qlik Sense / QlikView. Having the two software on the same machine can cause resource problems independently of the amount of the RAM or CPU that are in the machine.
Thanks for that. Next question.
Does NPrinting work the same with QlikView? NPrinting works with QlikView and Qlik Sense at the same way. There are just little differences and the procedure is exactly the same. You will not notice any difference working with QlikView or Qlik Sense connections.
Okay. When will be able to auto-trigger NPrinting connection from QlikView QMC?
Actually, this is not in the roadmap; but you can add this idea in the Ideation portal of community.
Okay, another question is: is it possible to schedule tasks based on QlikView reloads?
It is possible; but it is not an internal feature in NPrinting. So, you have to do this on your own by using NPrinting APIs. We have several posts in the community that you can follow. Essentially you can ask NPrinting through APIs to start reloading or executing a task just after a successful QlikView or Qlik Sense reload; but this is something that you have to do on your own. We have the documentation in any case in the community.
Okay, so it's not ready to do that out-of-the-box, but it is possible to set it up using APIs?
Yes, exactly.
All right.
Next question is: when will be able to trigger publish task when connection is done.
Actually this is more or less the same. You have not a built-in solution in Printing, but you can use APIs to trigger connection after the connection is done with Qlik Sense; so, quickly.
NPrinting engine is offline even when all the tasks in knowledge base are followed. This is a question. Maybe more a problem reporting by a customer. So, NPrinting ‘engine offline’ means that something probably has not been done correctly during the installation. The first thing I would suggest to do is: to check the NPrinting engine logs to see what is the error message. Be sure also that you have correctly installed the NPrinting certificates; and that you didn't forget the password. If this doesn't work, you can contact Qlik Support to ask for help. We will be more than happy to help him.
Great question: how can I create a reporting in NPrinting using multiple Qlik Sense apps?
Well actually, you can create an app in NPrinting, and you can add several connections to different Qlik Sense apps. And then once you have connected to different Qlik Sense apps, in the in the Designer, you can create the Template using different sources. So, you can select the Connection in the Designer and pick-up the object from Qlik Sense that you need.
Okay. So, in the NPrinting app, you can create multiple connections to different Qlik Sense apps and then in the Designer, just pull in the objects or charts that you want?
Yes, exactly. You can even connect to a QlikView document and a Qlik Sense app in the same NPrinting app. So, you can build a report using two different sources.
That's really cool. Thanks.
Another question: I have a Qlik NPrinting Excel report. I am able to generate a task and email is delivered with attachment or not. How to identify if the email was sent with attachment?
So, in this case, NPrinting automatically stop the generation of reports when the reports is empty. You can monitor this using a Condition. So, you can create a Condition on specific charts; so, that if the chart is empty, if it has no data, the report is not generated at all. So, no email message is sent if you don't use the condition. You send an email message without the report, but maybe it's better to stop the report generation. And they may send it by using a Condition in this case.
That's a really great tip.
Next question is: where I can find information about configuring certificates?
Basically, you can find all the information related to these topics on Qlik Help site, yeah. And you can, here, you have all the information related to the connection; the requirements, and how to install certificates.
It's even got a video, that's great. Okay, we have time for one last question.
Yeah, last question is: how can I install NPrinting to not use HTTPS, but just use HTTP?
As before, you have documentation about it here. You can find it on Qlik Help site, and you see you have also a video related to this in the Qlik Help YouTube channel. In the Enabling HTTP, you see that there are step by step guide that shows you how to do it. Simple.
Great! Okay, thank you guys.
Thank you all. It was a really nice experience to share with Giuseppe. We went both through NPrinting from the beginning to the end; and we have learned how our documentation can help us create our reports and tasks quite easily in NPrinting.
Thank you all. Hope you enjoyed the presentation, and the content.
Thank you everyone! We hope you enjoyed this session. And thank you to Andrea and Giuseppe for presenting. We appreciate getting experts like these to share with us. Here is our legal disclaime; and thank you once again. Have a great rest of your day.

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