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Hi all,
I am facing issue in Qliksense nprinting 17.2.3
as when ever am dragging the object values in to template in designer
am getting the tables with tag also ..... how can i get rid out of it? like attached instead of data it is coming as Tag. only certain sheets
am getting other sheets data.
found this document from 16.x with qlik view which might be of use
hello Suresh,
For your current problem ,there is simple solution available,
i.e. just simply give the Lable for your <Fiscal Year> Tag in the Properties, then you will get expected result.
First up. upgrade your nprinting to 17.3.x they put a lot of fixes and performance improvements into this version.
What it looks like you are doing is bringing a straight table into excel from sense then turning it into a pi jot table. Is that correct?
Note you cannot bring pivots from sense directly into np rinting yet unless as an image so to achieve this you'd need to look at the 2 step process.
still the same issue bro.. for others its coming without issue
No andy,
i am creating template prior only means outside the qlik in excel am loading the base sheet data based on that am creating pivot in excel den after i am deleting the data ..... in designer just adding this custom template and doing.
I've not tried implementing piviot like that yet.
My thoughts are trying to insert table tags into a pre defined piviot table isnt going to work you will need to have the Piviot table still referrence the location of your datasource and that data source can be generated by tags.
Ill have a play myself as it will be interesting if it can work like that.
found this document from 16.x with qlik view which might be of use
That is how it should be done "by the book"
This information needs to be more accessible on the community and the Book needs updating to 17.x and sense
That is so true - The old link to Vizubi website is not working anymore and all old NPrinting tutorials are now gone (or were moved to Qlik's website where i cannot find them). Part of them sits under Partner-> Knowledge section, but rest? - I have no idea.