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NPrinting 17 up-gradation: unable to import Nprinting templates


We are trying to import templates (compressed file) to Nprinting 17 version, but we are getting an Error "There are no compatible reports in this exported project."  However, we are able to create new objects(images..etc). could you please let us know if any one imported templates from NPrinting 16 version to NPrinting 17. 



14 Replies

You can export projects into zip files starting from QlikView NPrinting In QlikView NPrinting

Designer or higher, you can import templates from exported zip files.

To export a compressed interchange file, do the following:

1. In a QlikView NPrinting Designer version lower than, open the project (.nsq file) that you

want to export

2. Click the Tools tab.

3. Click Export Project in the Tools group.

4. Select the file name and the destination where to save it by typing them or by using the dots on the


5. Click OK to start the export.

To import templates, do the following:

1. Create a new report in QlikView NPrinting or higher.

2. Click Edit template to open the Template Editor.

3. Click Import Report.

4. Navigate your folders until you find the compressed interchange file.

5. Select the file and click Open.

6. Select the report you want to import from the list.

7. Click OK to confirm.

The report template will be imported and necessary QlikView objects will be added to the tree view.

Not applicable

Thank you so much Stephen. Actually, we did the same but we got an error " There are no compatible reports in this exported project."  we are trying to export project from NPrinting 16 to 17 version.


Satheesh Vaka.


Satheesh -

What is the format extension of the template(s) that you are trying to import? I've just become aware of a bug related to several different file formats that will be resolved in an upcoming service release.

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HI Stephen,

We are trying to import EXCEL AND WORD FORMAT.




Are the templates in .xls and .doc formats? If so, that is part of the bug (at present, you can import .xlsx and .docx files).

Can you try saving the templates as .xlsx and .docx instead and then re-import?

Either way, this will be resolved in the service release in May.

Not applicable

Actually, we are using xlsx and .docx only. Unfortunately, still we are getting the same error.


How you are trying to import the documents ??

I would suggest not to compress the original files rather copy the templates directly the old source to new source and reconfigure the same in Npriting 17 that should work fine

Not applicable

Hi all,

Do you have any update about this post?

I am facing the same issue.

Thank you very much in advance.


Not applicable

Hi All

Has anyone sorted this issue? Been struggling with the same.

Currently trying to import on NPrinting Sept 2017.

Exporting to zip from NPrinting 16 SR 2.

I have also tried to import a zip from 16 SR5, Same issue.

Thanks in advance.

Kind Regards