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Defect acknowledgement with Nprinting Engine May 2022 SR2, please READ HERE
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NPrinting Designer 16.6 generates error after Desktop client 12.10 sr7 is installed

We have been using QlikView and supporting products for +3 years. A few of the products were NOT Qlik at the time of purchase.

Quite a few of the NEWLY branded Qlik Products have stopped working forcing us to upgrade. Our company wants to upgrade to take advantage of features in the newer product(s), but there is no clear upgrade path defined. It is a struggle which can be best compared to practically rolling out new software.

Our goal is to upgrade to QlikView 12.10.

The components to upgrade are:

- QlikView Desktop 11.20sr7

- QlikView Server 11.20sr7

- NPrinting Server and Designer

I understood that NPrinting 16.6 would/could work with Desktop 12.10 sr6+.

I installed the NPrinting version AND Desktop 12.10sr7. When opening a NSQ document the Designer generated this error log.

I'm looking for:

- Troubleshooting tips

- Upgrade experiences

- NPrinting and client tips.

----------- log -----------------------------------




  1.1 Start Date      : Wed, 5 Jul 2017 15:56:03 +0200

  1.2 Name/Description: NPrinting.exe - (QlikView NPrinting)

  1.3 Version Number  :

  1.4 Parameters      :

  1.5 Compilation Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2017 14:02:56 +0200

  1.6 Up Time         : 3 minute(s), 6 second(s)



  2.1 Date          : Wed, 5 Jul 2017 15:59:10 +0200

  2.2 Address       : 01B4A3DE

  2.3 Module Name   : NPrinting.exe - (QlikView NPrinting)

  2.4 Module Version:

  2.5 Type          : EOleException

  2.6 Message       : The RPC server is unavailable.

  2.7 ID            : 752F0000

  2.8 Count         : 1

  2.9 Status        : New

  2.10 Note         :

  2.11 Sent         : 0



  3.1 ID        : adm_r

  3.2 Name      : Windows User

  3.3 Email     :

  3.4 Company   :

  3.5 Privileges: SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege        - ON

                  SeSecurityPrivilege             - OFF

                  SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege        - OFF

                  SeLoadDriverPrivilege           - OFF

                  SeSystemProfilePrivilege        - OFF

                  SeSystemtimePrivilege           - OFF

                  SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege - OFF

                  SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege - OFF

                  SeCreatePagefilePrivilege       - OFF

                  SeBackupPrivilege               - OFF

                  SeRestorePrivilege              - OFF

                  SeShutdownPrivilege             - ON

                  SeDebugPrivilege                - ON

                  SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege    - OFF

                  SeChangeNotifyPrivilege         - ON

                  SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege       - OFF

                  SeUndockPrivilege               - OFF

                  SeManageVolumePrivilege         - OFF

                  SeImpersonatePrivilege          - ON

                  SeCreateGlobalPrivilege         - ON

                  SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege   - OFF

                  SeTimeZonePrivilege             - OFF

                  SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege   - OFF

Active Controls:


  4.1 Form Class   : #32770

  4.2 Form Text    : QlikView NPrinting

  4.3 Control Class: TcxGridSite

  4.4 Control Text :



  5.1 Name          : Server03

  5.2 Total Memory  : 34346131456 (31.99 Gb)

  5.3 Free Memory   : 25866784768 (24.09 Gb)

  5.4 Total Disk    : 220207161344 (205.08 Gb)

  5.5 Free Disk     : 162137149440 (151.00 Gb)

  5.6 System Up Time: 44 day(s), 46 minute(s), 17 second(s)

  5.7 Processor     : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5520  @ 2.27GHz

  5.8 Display Mode  : 1624 x 1020, 16 bit

  5.9 Display DPI   : 96

  5.10 Video Card   : RDPDD Chained DD (driver )

  5.11 Printer      : PDF-XChange 5.0 (driver

Operating System:


  6.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 (64 bit)

  6.2 Build # : 7601

  6.3 Update  : Service pack 1

  6.4 Language: English (0809)

  6.5 Charset : 0/1252



  7.1 IP Address: - - - -

  7.2 Submask   : - - - -

  7.3 Gateway   : - - - -

  7.4 DNS 1     : - - - -

  7.5 DNS 2     : - - - -

  7.6 DHCP      : ON              - OFF            ON              - ON              - ON           

Steps to reproduce:


  8.1 Text:

Custom Information:


  9.1 qlikview Version: 12.10.20500+2017-06-19 11:58:22.HEAD.Component.Version

Call Stack Information:


|Methods |Details|Stack   |Address |Module        |Offset  |Unit                        |Class                  |Procedure/Method                          |Line     |


|*Exception Thread: ID=8004; Parent=0; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=; Name=MAIN                                                                                                                                                   |

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=                                                                                                                                             |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|04     |00000000|01B4A3DE|NPrinting.exe |0174A3DE|NPrinting.DataApp.Qlikview11|TQlikViewDoc           |CanExport                                 |6505[1]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F720|0186804B|NPrinting.exe |0146804B|UNPrintingDataApp           |TNPrintingDoc          |CanExport                                 |1428[1]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F730|01868068|NPrinting.exe |01468068|UNPrintingDataApp           |TNPrintingDoc          |CanExport                                 |1429[2]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F750|01340159|NPrinting.exe |00F40159|UDataAppSupportClasses      |TMultiDataDocs         |CanExport                                 |519[3]   |

|00000020|04     |0018F76C|01F55B01|NPrinting.exe |01B55B01|UDmConsole                  |TDMConsole             |TaskRun                                   |377[70]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F774|01F55F1A|NPrinting.exe |01B55F1A|UDmConsole                  |TDMConsole             |TaskRun                                   |481[174] |

|00000020|04     |0018F8A4|01F6E520|NPrinting.exe |01B6E520|UNSCConsole                 |TNSCConsole            |EseguiTask                                |242[23]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F8D8|01F6E2C8|NPrinting.exe |01B6E2C8|UNSCConsole                 |TNSCConsole            |EseguiJob                                 |207[30]  |

|00000020|04     |0018F968|01F6E013|NPrinting.exe |01B6E013|UNSCConsole                 |TNSCConsole            |EseguiSchedule                            |163[30]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FA0C|0159743D|NPrinting.exe |0119743D|UScheduleWorkerNoThread     |TScheduleWorkerNoThread|EseguiSchedule                            |142[14]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FA1C|01597458|NPrinting.exe |01197458|UScheduleWorkerNoThread     |TScheduleWorkerNoThread|EseguiSchedule                            |145[17]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FA48|015EF7B1|NPrinting.exe |011EF7B1|UFrmNoThreadPool            |TFrmNoThreadPool       |RunPoolClick                              |491[16]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FA70|018B6C31|NPrinting.exe |014B6C31|UFrameSchedules             |TframeSchedules        |Run                                       |83[4]    |

|00000020|04     |0018FA94|01EA9181|NPrinting.exe |01AA9181|UMain                       |TFrmMain               |ExecuteRunScheduleExecute                 |2989[6]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FEF8|00544569|NPrinting.exe |00144569|Forms                       |TApplication           |ProcessMessage                            |9760[30] |

|00000020|04     |0018FF14|005445AE|NPrinting.exe |001445AE|Forms                       |TApplication           |HandleMessage                             |9790[1]  |

|00000020|04     |0018FF38|005448D9|NPrinting.exe |001448D9|Forms                       |TApplication           |Run                                       |9927[26] |

|00000020|04     |0018FF68|01FD7CA8|NPrinting.exe |01BD7CA8|NPrinting                   |                       |Initialization                            |321[50]  |

|00000020|03     |0018FF8C|76523368|kernel32.dll  |00013368|kernel32                    |                       |BaseThreadInitThunk                       |         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=2792; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TOmniThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute. Thread caller: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Create (OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 0AE8 / 2792 ] is blocked                                                                                                           |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C9016D|ntdll.dll     |0002016D|ntdll                       |                       |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects                  |         |

|00000020|03     |09FBFC10|765219F7|kernel32.dll  |000119F7|kernel32                    |                       |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx                  |         |

|00000020|03     |09FBFC58|75740880|user32.dll    |00020880|USER32                      |                       | (possible PeekMessageW+686)              |         |

|00000020|03     |09FBFFD8|77CA98D0|ntdll.dll     |000398D0|ntdll                       |                       | (possible RtlInitializeExceptionChain+49)|         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=1752; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TOmniThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute. Thread caller: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Create (OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 06D8 / 1752 ] is blocked                                                                                                           |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C9016D|ntdll.dll     |0002016D|ntdll                       |                       |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects                  |         |

|00000020|03     |0A0FFC10|765219F7|kernel32.dll  |000119F7|kernel32                    |                       |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx                  |         |

|00000020|03     |0A0FFC58|75740880|user32.dll    |00020880|USER32                      |                       | (possible PeekMessageW+686)              |         |

|00000020|03     |0A0FFFD8|77CA98D0|ntdll.dll     |000398D0|ntdll                       |                       | (possible RtlInitializeExceptionChain+49)|         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=6588; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TScheduleThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: JvScheduledEvents.TScheduleThread.Execute + $0. Thread caller: JvScheduledEvents.TScheduleThread.Create + $1D (JvScheduledEvents.TScheduleThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=                                                                                                                                             |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C8FDA1|ntdll.dll     |0001FDA1|ntdll                       |                       |ZwDelayExecution                          |         |

|00000020|03     |15F7FE90|77074607|KERNELBASE.dll|00014607|KERNELBASE                  |                       |Sleep                                     |         |

|00000020|03     |15F7FEA0|010A0299|NPrinting.exe |00CA0299|JvScheduledEvents           |TScheduleThread        |Execute                                   |         |

|00000020|04     |15F7FECC|004235D7|NPrinting.exe |000235D7|EMemLeaks                   |                       |EurekaFreeMem                             |1587[24] |

|00000020|04     |15F7FEF8|0047C696|NPrinting.exe |0007C696|Classes                     |                       |ThreadProc                                |11019[8] |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF1C|006242C1|NPrinting.exe |002242C1|EThreadsManager             |                       |ThreadDataUnlock                          |1297[2]  |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF28|006242E5|NPrinting.exe |002242E5|EThreadsManager             |                       |NakedBeginThreadWrapper                   |1312[5]  |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF38|00679C30|NPrinting.exe |00279C30|EExceptionManager           |                       |DefaultThreadHandleException              |3566[6]  |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF44|00679C56|NPrinting.exe |00279C56|EExceptionManager           |                       |DefaultThreadHandleException              |3568[8]  |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF5C|006251BC|NPrinting.exe |002251BC|EThreadsManager             |                       |ThreadWrapperCT                           |1769[17] |

|00000020|04     |15F7FF74|006242C1|NPrinting.exe |002242C1|EThreadsManager             |                       |ThreadDataUnlock                          |1297[2]  |

|00000020|03     |15F7FF8C|76523368|kernel32.dll  |00013368|kernel32                    |                       |BaseThreadInitThunk                       |         |

|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|010A0061|NPrinting.exe |00CA0061|JvScheduledEvents           |TScheduleThread        |Create                                    |         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=2540; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TOmniThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute. Thread caller: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Create (OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 09EC / 2540 ] is blocked                                                                                                           |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C9016D|ntdll.dll     |0002016D|ntdll                       |                       |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects                  |         |

|00000020|03     |19D5FC10|765219F7|kernel32.dll  |000119F7|kernel32                    |                       |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx                  |         |

|00000020|03     |19D5FC58|75740880|user32.dll    |00020880|USER32                      |                       | (possible PeekMessageW+686)              |         |

|00000020|03     |19D5FFD8|77CA98D0|ntdll.dll     |000398D0|ntdll                       |                       | (possible RtlInitializeExceptionChain+49)|         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=2656; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TOmniThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute. Thread caller: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Create (OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 0A60 / 2656 ] is blocked                                                                                                           |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C9016D|ntdll.dll     |0002016D|ntdll                       |                       |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects                  |         |

|00000020|03     |19EEFC10|765219F7|kernel32.dll  |000119F7|kernel32                    |                       |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx                  |         |

|00000020|03     |19EEFC58|75740880|user32.dll    |00020880|USER32                      |                       | (possible PeekMessageW+686)              |         |

|00000020|03     |19EEFFD8|77CA98D0|ntdll.dll     |000398D0|ntdll                       |                       | (possible RtlInitializeExceptionChain+49)|         |


|                                                                                                                                                                    |

|Running Thread: ID=3308; Parent=8004; Priority=0                                                                                                                    |

|Class=TOmniThread; Name=[Unnamed thread] Kind: TThread. Thread function: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute. Thread caller: OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Create (OtlTaskControl.TOmniThread.Execute)|

|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=thread: [ 0CEC / 3308 ] is blocked                                                                                                           |

|Comment=                                                                                                                                                            |


|7FFFFFFE|03     |00000000|77C9016D|ntdll.dll     |0002016D|ntdll                       |                       |ZwWaitForMultipleObjects                  |         |

|00000020|03     |1A0FFC10|765219F7|kernel32.dll  |000119F7|kernel32                    |                       |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx                  |         |

|00000020|03     |1A0FFC58|75740880|user32.dll    |00020880|USER32                      |                       | (possible PeekMessageW+686)              |         |

|00000020|03     |1A0FFFD8|77CA98D0|ntdll.dll     |000398D0|ntdll                       |                       | (possible RtlInitializeExceptionChain+49)|         |


Modules Information:


|Handle  |Name                                        |Description                                                 |Version           |Size    |Modified           |Path                                                                                                          |


|00400000|NPrinting.exe                               |QlikView NPrinting                                          |          |41820608|2017-04-05 15:12:08|D:\Program Files (x86)\NPrinting\Client\                                                                      |

|54D50000|                           |System.Web.dll                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |13651456|2017-05-22 13:11:52|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Web\78475114f3918b721cf86260ed4e476e\                   |

|5A830000|                           |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |7801856 |2017-05-22 13:11:43|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Xml\88a95fd88a6d0fa91e262bce3bb8066a\                   |

|5AFB0000|                 |System.Configuration.dll                                    |4.0.30319.36400   |967680  |2017-05-22 13:11:40|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Configuration\501d104c2fcaa442a870784354f05deb\         |

|5B420000|                               |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |10095616|2017-05-22 13:11:38|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System\899ae5a294206794582018dc6e6c59b7\                       |

|5BDD0000|                             |Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library             |4.0.30319.36400   |17216000|2017-05-22 13:11:33|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\mscorlib\496b0e58069e6af839076e780a6cdce2\                     |

|5FEB0000|msi.dll                                     |Windows Installer                                           |5.0.7601.23593    |2365440 |2016-11-09 18:17:31|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|60C30000|clrjit.dll                                  |Microsoft .NET Runtime Just-In-Time Compiler                |4.0.30319.36400   |509080  |2017-04-26 22:11:16|C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\                                                                |

|61700000|clr.dll                                     |Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime - WorkStation|4.0.30319.36400   |6937744 |2017-04-26 22:11:16|C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\                                                                |

|642D0000|nlssorting.dll                              |Microsoft Collation Support                                 |4.0.30319.36400   |74928   |2017-04-26 22:11:16|C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\                                                                |

|64A70000|                          |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |7387136 |2017-05-22 13:11:48|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Data\4548259baef80e9e3756fd8bf0943683\                  |

|65180000|                        |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |10742272|2017-05-22 13:11:47|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Design\377b74352112a3e6650c396e8b601d7d\                |

|66F90000|                          |WindowsBase.dll                                             |4.0.30319.36400   |3916288 |2017-05-22 13:11:41|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\WindowsBase\14b9ae3ea2e6afe8cc4b7f77b1dab0c5\                  |

|68050000|                     |System.Data.Linq.dll                                        |4.0.30319.36400   |2521088 |2017-05-22 13:11:46|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Data.Linq\df77726f88fbff2bc84a9390d0ecbf1c\             |

|685A0000|comctl32.dll                                |User Experience Controls Library                            |6.10.7601.18837   |1680896 |2015-04-24 19:54:13|C:\Windows\winsxs\\|

|68F00000|winspool.drv                                |Windows Spooler Driver                                      |6.1.7601.17514    |320000  |2010-11-21 05:24:10|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|68FB0000|System.Data.dll                             |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |3209392 |2017-04-26 23:02:12|C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_32\System.Data\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b77a5c561934e089\                          |

|69420000|GdiPlus.dll                                 |Microsoft GDI+                                              |6.1.7601.23721    |1628672 |2017-03-14 17:17:54|C:\Windows\winsxs\\        |

|69870000|WindowsCodecs.dll                           |Microsoft Windows Codecs Library                            |6.2.9200.21830    |1230848 |2016-04-09 06:20:04|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|69BA0000|uxtheme.dll                                 |Microsoft UxTheme Library                                   |6.1.7600.16385    |245760  |2009-07-14 03:11:24|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|69C20000|bcryptprimitives.dll                        |Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library                    |6.1.7601.23451    |249352  |2016-05-12 15:04:55|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|69C60000|ncrypt.dll                                  |Windows cryptographic library                               |6.1.7601.23796    |223232  |2017-04-28 02:32:40|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|69D40000|msxml6.dll                                  |MSXML 6.0 SP3                                               |6.30.7601.18980   |1391104 |2015-08-27 19:58:14|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6A510000|propsys.dll                                 |Microsoft Property System                                   |7.0.7601.17514    |988160  |2010-11-21 05:24:10|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6B420000|bcrypt.dll                                  |Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library (Wow64)            |6.1.7601.23796    |82944   |2017-04-28 02:32:51|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6BA10000|                          |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |6982656 |2017-05-22 13:11:43|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Core\d59664b778463d50c684f6414f7a04fe\                  |

|6C0C0000|gpapi.dll                                   |Group Policy Client API                                     |6.1.7601.23452    |79360   |2016-05-12 17:18:23|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C130000|mpr.dll                                     |Multiple Provider Router DLL                                |6.1.7600.16385    |64000   |2009-07-14 03:15:41|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C400000|dhcpcsvc.dll                                |DHCP Client Service                                         |6.1.7600.16385    |61952   |2009-07-14 03:15:11|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C430000|shdocvw.dll                                 |Shell Doc Object and Control Library                        |6.1.7601.18222    |180224  |2013-07-26 03:55:59|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C460000|winmm.dll                                   |MCI API DLL                                                 |6.1.7601.17514    |194048  |2010-11-21 05:24:19|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C560000|MSVCR120_CLR0400.dll                        |Microsoft® C Runtime Library                                |12.0.52400.36400  |875720  |2017-04-26 22:11:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C8C0000|dwmapi.dll                                  |Microsoft Desktop Window Manager API                        |6.1.7601.18917    |67584   |2015-07-09 19:42:54|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6C8E0000|mscoreei.dll                                |Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine                     |4.0.30319.36400   |516256  |2017-04-26 22:11:16|C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\                                                                |

|6CCA0000|api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l2-1-0.dll     |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |5632    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6CFC0000|dhcpcsvc6.DLL                               |DHCPv6 Client                                               |6.1.7601.17970    |44032   |2012-10-09 19:40:31|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6D020000|mscoree.dll                                 |Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine                     |4.0.40305.0       |297808  |2010-11-21 05:24:06|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6D110000|sxs.dll                                     |Fusion 2.5                                                  |6.1.7601.17514    |380416  |2010-11-21 05:24:24|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FC50000|wship6.dll                                  |Winsock2 Helper DLL (TL/IPv6)                               |6.1.7600.16385    |10752   |2009-07-14 03:16:20|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FC60000|mswsock.dll                                 |Microsoft Windows Sockets 2.0 Service Provider              |6.1.7601.23451    |231424  |2016-05-11 17:19:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FCB0000|api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l2-1-0.dll    |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |3584    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FDD0000|RpcRtRemote.dll                             |Remote RPC Extension                                        |6.1.7601.17514    |46080   |2010-11-21 05:24:14|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FE30000|secur32.dll                                 |Security Support Provider Interface                         |6.1.7601.23796    |22016   |2017-04-28 02:32:45|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|6FF20000|rsaenh.dll                                  |Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider                   |6.1.7600.16385    |242936  |2009-07-14 03:17:54|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|700E0000|dnsapi.dll                                  |DNS Client API DLL                                          |6.1.7601.17570    |270336  |2011-03-03 07:38:01|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|70190000|cryptsp.dll                                 |Cryptographic Service Provider API                          |6.1.7601.23471    |80896   |2016-06-14 17:21:20|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|703E0000|version.dll                                 |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries            |6.1.7600.16385    |21504   |2009-07-14 03:16:17|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|70410000|IPHLPAPI.DLL                                |IP Helper API                                               |6.1.7601.17514    |103936  |2010-11-21 05:24:30|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|70460000|winnsi.dll                                  |Network Store Information RPC interface                     |6.1.7600.16385    |16896   |2009-07-14 03:16:19|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|70960000|wsock32.dll                                 |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL                                   |6.1.7600.16385    |15360   |2009-07-14 03:16:20|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|70F70000|                 |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |12897280|2017-05-22 13:11:46|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Windows.Forms\72b311700c3d77abff7e2401e7e7be86\         |

|725B0000|ieframe.dll                                 |Internet Browser                                            |11.0.9600.18666   |13661184|2017-04-16 08:53:18|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|732C0000|QvLefParserApp.dll                          |QvLefParserApp Module                                       |           |6312896 |2015-04-09 16:44:28|D:\Program Files (x86)\NPrinting\Client\libs\                                                                 |

|73C20000||System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll                   |4.0.30319.36400   |237056  |2017-05-22 13:11:46|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Comp46f2b404#\9762506ce2cfb8a5a0a64fba7d9717ce\         |

|74360000|api-ms-win-downlevel-shell32-l1-1-0.dll     |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |3072    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|74370000|url.dll                                     |Internet Shortcut Shell Extension DLL                       |11.0.9600.16428   |233472  |2014-06-30 10:48:49|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|743B0000|osbaseln.dll                                |Service Reporting API                                       |6.1.7600.16385    |19456   |2009-07-14 03:16:12|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|743C0000|duser.dll                                   |Windows DirectUser Engine                                   |6.1.7600.16385    |181248  |2009-07-14 03:15:13|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|743F0000|atl.dll                                     |ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode)                         |3.5.2284.0        |70144   |2009-07-14 03:14:57|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|74410000|appwiz.cpl                                  |Shell Application Manager                                   |6.1.7601.17514    |649216  |2010-11-21 05:24:10|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|744C0000|riched20.dll                                |Rich Text Edit Control, v3.1                                |      |473600  |2010-11-21 05:24:25|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|74560000|                       |.NET Framework                                              |4.0.30319.36400   |1641472 |2017-05-22 13:11:39|C:\Windows\assembly\NativeImages_v4.0.30319_32\System.Drawing\a45538606568d3e9961c50041b8e6778\               |

|74780000|oledlg.dll                                  |OLE User Interface Support                                  |6.1.7600.16385    |103424  |2009-07-14 03:16:12|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|747A0000|oleacc.dll                                  |Active Accessibility Core Component                         |           |233472  |2011-08-27 06:26:27|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|747E0000|olepro32.dll                                |                                                            |6.1.7601.23452    |90624   |2016-05-12 17:18:31|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|74820000|msimg32.dll                                 |GDIEXT Client DLL                                           |6.1.7600.16385    |4608    |2009-07-14 03:15:44|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|74830000|security.dll                                |Security Support Provider Interface                         |6.1.7600.16385    |4608    |2009-07-14 03:09:53|C:\Windows\System32\                                                                                          |

|75500000|CRYPTBASE.dll                               |Base cryptographic API DLL                                  |6.1.7601.23796    |36352   |2017-04-28 02:07:21|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|75510000|sspicli.dll                                 |Security Support Provider Interface                         |6.1.7601.23796    |96768   |2017-04-28 02:32:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|75570000|imagehlp.dll                                |Windows NT Image Helper                                     |6.1.7601.18288    |159232  |2013-10-19 03:36:59|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|755A0000|userenv.dll                                 |Userenv                                                     |6.1.7601.17514    |81920   |2010-11-21 05:24:17|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|755C0000|wintrust.dll                                |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs                           |6.1.7601.23769    |179200  |2017-04-12 17:26:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|755F0000|crypt32.dll                                 |Crypto API32                                                |6.1.7601.23769    |1176064 |2017-04-12 17:25:04|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|75720000|user32.dll                                  |Multi-User Windows USER API Client DLL                      |6.1.7601.23594    |833024  |2016-11-10 18:19:40|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|75850000|shell32.dll                                 |Windows Shell Common Dll                                    |6.1.7601.18952    |12875776|2015-08-06 19:44:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|764A0000|ws2_32.dll                                  |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL                               |6.1.7601.23451    |206336  |2016-05-11 17:19:26|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|764E0000|msasn1.dll                                  |ASN.1 Runtime APIs                                          |6.1.7601.17514    |34304   |2010-11-21 05:24:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76510000|kernel32.dll                                |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL                              |6.1.7601.23796    |1114112 |2017-04-28 02:32:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76620000|msctf.dll                                   |MSCTF Server DLL                                            |6.1.7601.23572    |829952  |2016-10-11 17:18:29|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|766F0000|nsi.dll                                     |NSI User-mode interface DLL                                 |6.1.7600.16385    |8704    |2009-07-14 03:16:11|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76700000|api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll     |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |9728    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76710000|msvcrt.dll                                  |Windows NT CRT DLL                                          |7.0.7601.17744    |690688  |2011-12-16 09:52:58|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|767C0000|usp10.dll                                   |Uniscribe Unicode script processor                          |1.626.7601.23688  |628736  |2017-02-10 18:17:36|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76860000|lpk.dll                                     |Language Pack                                               |6.1.7601.23717    |25600   |2017-03-10 18:20:40|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76870000|oleaut32.dll                                |                                                            |6.1.7601.23775    |581632  |2017-04-17 17:12:24|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76910000|sechost.dll                                 |Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs                           |6.1.7601.18869    |92160   |2015-05-25 20:01:39|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76930000|gdi32.dll                                   |GDI Client DLL                                              |6.1.7601.23764    |312832  |2017-04-07 17:22:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|769C0000|clbcatq.dll                                 |COM+ Configuration Catalog                                  |2001.12.8530.16385|522240  |2009-07-14 03:15:03|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76A50000|advapi32.dll                                |Advanced Windows 32 Base API                                |6.1.7601.23796    |644096  |2017-04-28 02:32:32|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76B00000|Wldap32.dll                                 |Win32 LDAP API DLL                                          |6.1.7601.17514    |269824  |2010-11-21 05:24:19|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76B50000|ole32.dll                                   |Microsoft OLE for Windows                                   |6.1.7601.23775    |1417728 |2017-04-17 17:12:24|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76CB0000|iertutil.dll                                |Run time utility for Internet Explorer                      |11.0.9600.18666   |2290176 |2017-04-16 09:53:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76EF0000|rpcrt4.dll                                  |Remote Procedure Call Runtime                               |6.1.7601.23796    |666112  |2017-04-28 02:32:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76FE0000|api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll     |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |3072    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|76FF0000|shlwapi.dll                                 |Shell Light-weight Utility Library                          |6.1.7601.17514    |350208  |2010-11-21 05:24:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77050000|profapi.dll                                 |User Profile Basic API                                      |6.1.7600.16385    |31744   |2009-07-14 03:16:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77060000|KERNELBASE.dll                              |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL                              |6.1.7601.23796    |275456  |2017-04-28 02:32:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|770B0000|comdlg32.dll                                |Common Dialogs DLL                                          |6.1.7601.17514    |485888  |2010-11-21 05:24:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77130000|normaliz.dll                                |Unicode Normalization DLL                                   |6.1.7600.16385    |2048    |2009-07-14 03:09:00|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77140000|api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll    |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |10752   |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|771B0000|psapi.dll                                   |Process Status Helper                                       |6.1.7600.16385    |6144    |2009-07-14 03:16:12|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|771C0000|urlmon.dll                                  |OLE32 Extensions for Win32                                  |11.0.9600.18666   |1314816 |2017-04-16 08:34:51|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|773A0000|api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll    |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |2560    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|773B0000|imm32.dll                                   |Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL                     |6.1.7601.17514    |119808  |2010-11-21 05:24:24|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|775B0000|wininet.dll                                 |Internet Extensions for Win32                               |11.0.9600.18666   |2767872 |2017-04-16 08:37:47|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77860000|api-ms-win-downlevel-ole32-l1-1-0.dll       |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |5632    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77C40000|api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll      |ApiSet Stub DLL                                             |6.2.9200.16492    |4096    |2014-06-30 10:48:16|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |

|77C70000|ntdll.dll                                   |NT Layer DLL                                                |6.1.7601.23796    |1314112 |2017-04-28 02:34:21|C:\Windows\SysWOW64\                                                                                          |


Processes Information:


|ID  |Name                        |Description                                           |Version            |Memory   |Priority    |Threads|Path                                                                      |


|0   |[System Process]            |                                                      |                   |0        |            |16     |                                                                          |

|4   |System                      |                                                      |                   |946176   |Normal      |204    |                                                                          |

|12  |sppsvc.exe                  |                                                      |                   |18034688 |Normal      |5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|200 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |839114752|Normal      |43     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|476 |smss.exe                    |                                                      |                   |1933312  |Normal      |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|512 |EmcPowMon.exe               |PowerPath Traybar Utility                             |          |7311360  |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files\EMC\PowerCommon\                                         |

|524 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |23781376 |Normal      |13     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|544 |g2mlauncher.exe             |GoToMeeting                                           |         |21839872 |Normal      |24     |C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting\3019\                           |

|576 |csrss.exe                   |                                                      |                   |7659520  |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|620 |csrss.exe                   |                                                      |                   |5296128  |Normal      |7      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|628 |wininit.exe                 |Windows Start-Up Application                          |6.1.7600.16385     |6115328  |High        |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|668 |winlogon.exe                |                                                      |                   |6590464  |High        |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|716 |services.exe                |                                                      |                   |18771968 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|724 |lsass.exe                   |                                                      |                   |46247936 |Normal      |11     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|728 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |30924800 |Normal      |14     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|736 |lsm.exe                     |                                                      |                   |8929280  |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|820 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |15904768 |Normal      |14     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|900 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |14544896 |Normal      |9      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|944 |erlsrv.exe                  |                                                      |                   |4370432  |Normal      |4      |C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\erts-7.2.1\bin\                                 |

|984 |LogonUI.exe                 |                                                      |                   |16842752 |High        |7      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|996 |svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |101449728|Normal      |14     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1032|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |43966464 |Normal      |19     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1112|EmcPowSrv.exe               |EMS Service                                           |          |9035776  |Normal      |12     |C:\Program Files\EMC\PowerCommon\                                         |

|1212|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |14155776 |Normal      |17     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1236|taskhost.exe                |                                                      |                   |12271616 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1356|spoolsv.exe                 |                                                      |                   |21012480 |Normal      |16     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1384|bedbg.exe                   |Backup Exec Crash Debug Tool                          |14.2.1180.2621     |10682368 |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\                               |

|1404|epmd.exe                    |                                                      |                   |4460544  |Normal      |1      |C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\erts-7.2.1\bin\                                 |

|1424|dsm_om_shrsvc64.exe         |Server Administrator Daemon                           |         |9379840  |Normal      |9      |C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin\                                     |

|1444|dsm_sa_eventmgr64.exe       |Systems Management Event Manager                      |         |18632704 |Normal      |7      |C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\dataeng\bin\                                 |

|1480|dsm_sa_datamgr64.exe        |Systems Management Data Manager                       |         |51159040 |Normal      |23     |C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\dataeng\bin\                                 |

|1504|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |10604544 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1532|cvd.exe                     |                                                      |       |44302336 |Normal      |21     |C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base\                                  |

|1640|IPROSetMonitor.exe          |                                                      |                   |6561792  |Normal      |4      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1672|mpfsperfd.exe               |                                                      |                   |12267520 |Normal      |7      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|1884|VisualSVNServer.exe         |Apache HTTP Server                                    |           |10956800 |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\                              |

|1888|surveyclientnt.exe          |                                                      |         |30834688 |Normal      |27     |C:\Program Files (x86)\Scalable Software\Survey\SSI Survey Client\        |

|1896|taskeng.exe                 |Task Scheduler Engine                                 |6.1.7601.17514     |8372224  |Below-Normal|6      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|2024|notepad++.exe               |Notepad++ : a free (GNU) source code editor           |            |29724672 |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\                                         |

|2204|jucheck.exe                 |Java Update Checker                                   |           |17702912 |Normal      |6      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\                     |

|2212|conhost.exe                 |                                                      |                   |6082560  |Normal      |2      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|2364|EvMgrC.exe                  |                                                      |       |21975040 |Normal      |10     |C:\Program Files\CommVault\Simpana\Base\                                  |

|2380|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |7798784  |Normal      |4      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|2412|loadmgr.exe                 |                                                      |9.21300.19370.64476|7831552  |Normal      |5      |C:\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\intrnet\sasexe\                                  |

|2428|explorer.exe                |Windows Explorer                                      |6.1.7601.17567     |130031616|Normal      |31     |C:\Windows\                                                               |

|2456|pcfservice.exe              |                                                      |9.21300.19370.64269|10317824 |Normal      |9      |C:\SAS\PCFilesServer\9.2\                                                 |

|2588|NPrinting.exe               |QlikView NPrinting                                    |           |258592768|Normal      |18     |D:\Program Files (x86)\NPrinting\Client\                                  |

|2728|dwm.exe                     |                                                      |                   |9388032  |Normal      |5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|2800|VisualSVNServer.exe         |Apache HTTP Server                                    |           |38412288 |Normal      |132    |C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin\                              |

|2804|WmiPrvSE.exe                |WMI Provider Host                                     |6.1.7601.17514     |34054144 |Normal      |11     |C:\Windows\System32\wbem\                                                 |

|2836|csrss.exe                   |                                                      |                   |11038720 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|2932|win32sysinfo.exe            |                                                      |                   |2420736  |Normal      |1      |C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\lib\os_mon-2.4\priv\bin\                        |

|3036|snmp.exe                    |SNMP Service                                          |6.1.7601.17514     |29974528 |Normal      |15     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|3044|WmiPrvSE.exe                |WMI Provider Host                                     |6.1.7601.17514     |60694528 |Normal      |9      |C:\Windows\System32\wbem\                                                 |

|3068|surveyclientnt.exe          |                                                      |         |4927488  |Normal      |4      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Scalable Software\Survey\SSI Survey Client\        |

|3468|erl.exe                     |                                                      |                   |62636032 |Normal      |57     |C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\erts-7.2.1\bin\                                 |

|3564|cmd.exe                     |Windows Command Processor                             |6.1.7601.17514     |4476928  |Below-Normal|1      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|4032|beremote.exe                |Agent for Windows Systems                             |14.2.1180.2621     |115945472|Normal      |18     |C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\                               |

|4684|Veeam.EndPoint.Service.exe  |Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows                     |          |122437632|Normal      |31     |C:\Program Files\Veeam\Endpoint Backup\                                   |

|4784|wuauclt.exe                 |                                                      |                   |8069120  |Normal      |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|4792|taskmgr.exe                 |Windows Task Manager                                  |6.1.7601.17514     |12853248 |High        |7      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|4800|taskhost.exe                |                                                      |                   |16474112 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|4816|lim.exe                     |Platform EGO LIM                                      |        |16736256 |Normal      |7      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|4916|res.exe                     |LSF system remote execution server                    |        |8826880  |Normal      |5      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|4968|sbatchd.exe                 |LSF system slave daemon                               |        |10739712 |Normal      |5      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5052|conhost.exe                 |                                                      |                   |4489216  |Normal      |2      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|5252|hookproxy.exe               |                                                      |                   |5988352  |Normal      |1      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Scalable Software\Survey\SSI Survey Client\        |

|5300|pem.exe                     |Platform EGO PEM                                      |        |15134720 |Normal      |5      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5308|vemkd.exe                   |Platform EGO Kernel                                   |        |31309824 |Normal      |4      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5376|mbatchd.exe                 |LSF system master daemon                              |        |14729216 |Normal      |3      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5456|mbschd.exe                  |LSF scheduling daemon                                 |        |12513280 |Normal      |4      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5556|egosc.exe                   |Platform EGO Service Controller                       |        |16035840 |Normal      |5      |C:\LSF_7.0\7.0\etc\                                                       |

|5744|dsm_om_connsvc64.exe        |Internet Server NT Service                            |         |163602432|Normal      |38     |C:\Program Files\Dell\SysMgt\oma\bin\                                     |

|5860|csrss.exe                   |                                                      |                   |7184384  |Normal      |9      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|5872|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |12800000 |Normal      |11     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|5880|cmd.exe                     |Windows Command Processor                             |6.1.7601.17514     |4415488  |Normal      |1      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|5924|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |7217152  |Normal      |5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|5984|rdpclip.exe                 |                                                      |                   |9023488  |Normal      |4      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6012|mmc.exe                     |Microsoft Management Console                          |6.1.7600.16385     |34455552 |Normal      |24     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6140|EmcPowMon.exe               |PowerPath Traybar Utility                             |          |7327744  |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files\EMC\PowerCommon\                                         |

|6188|g2mstart.exe                |GoToMeeting                                           |         |12632064 |Normal      |7      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting\3019\                           |

|6196|Netwrix.WSA.AgentService.exe|Netwrix Auditor for Windows Server Compression Service|9.0.1692.0         |93118464 |Normal      |11     |C:\Program Files (x86)\Netwrix Auditor\Windows Server Compression Service\|

|6328|winlogon.exe                |                                                      |                   |9146368  |High        |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6420|winlogon.exe                |                                                      |                   |9138176  |High        |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6448|conhost.exe                 |                                                      |                   |5713920  |Normal      |2      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6452|conhost.exe                 |                                                      |                   |4485120  |Normal      |2      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6484|dwm.exe                     |                                                      |                   |6676480  |Normal      |3      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6596|explorer.exe                |Windows Explorer                                      |6.1.7601.17567     |42070016 |Normal      |17     |C:\Windows\                                                               |

|6604|rdpclip.exe                 |                                                      |                   |8634368  |Normal      |8      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|6612|jusched.exe                 |Java Update Scheduler                                 |           |20979712 |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Java\Java Update\                     |

|6700|g2mcomm.exe                 |GoToMeeting                                           |         |28454912 |High        |46     |C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\GoToMeeting\3019\                           |

|7032|UI0Detect.exe               |                                                      |                   |8904704  |Normal      |5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|7068|TrustedInstaller.exe        |Windows Modules Installer                             |6.1.7601.17514     |565260288|Normal      |7      |C:\Windows\servicing\                                                     |

|7092|msdtc.exe                   |                                                      |                   |9420800  |Normal      |12     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|7608|inet_gethost.exe            |                                                      |                   |6385664  |Normal      |8      |C:\Program Files\erl7.2.1\erts-7.2.1\bin\                                 |

|7716|svchost.exe                 |Host Process for Windows Services                     |6.1.7600.16385     |4837376  |Normal      |5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|7732|NPrintingSvc.exe            |NPrinting Service for QlikView                        |           |187224064|Normal      |16     |D:\Program Files (x86)\NPrinting\Server\                                  |

|7744|PING.EXE                    |TCP/IP Ping Command                                   |6.1.7600.16385     |5062656  |Below-Normal|5      |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|7808|sqlwriter.exe               |SQL Server VSS Writer - 64 Bit                        |2011.110.6020.0    |18165760 |Normal      |5      |C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\                          |

|8268|sqlservr.exe                |SQL Server Windows NT - 64 Bit                        |2011.110.6020.0    |415440896|Normal      |82     |C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\LocalDB\Binn\                   |

|8516|mmc.exe                     |Microsoft Management Console                          |6.1.7600.16385     |37695488 |Normal      |35     |C:\Windows\System32\                                                      |

|8680|WmiPrvSE.exe                |WMI Provider Host                                     |6.1.7601.17514     |29372416 |Normal      |10     |C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wbem\                                                 |

|8796|Qv.exe                      |QlikView                                              |12.10.20500.0      |33976320 |Normal      |60     |C:\Program Files\QlikView\                                                |


Assembler Information:


; Base Address: $1B4A000, Allocation Base: $400000, Region Size: 4775936





; NPrinting.DataApp.TQlikViewDoc.CanExport (Line=6505 - Offset=33)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------

01B4A3B5  8D45FC        LEA  EAX, [EBP-4]

01B4A3B8  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3B9  8D45F8        LEA  EAX, [EBP-8]

01B4A3BC  E877238CFE    CALL -$0173DC89                 ; ($0040C738->007707D4) Syntes._IntfClear

01B4A3C1  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3C2  8D45F4        LEA  EAX, [EBP-$0C]

01B4A3C5  E86E238CFE    CALL -$0173DC92                 ; ($0040C738->007707D4) Syntes._IntfClear

01B4A3CA  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3CB  8D55F0        LEA  EDX, [EBP-$10]

01B4A3CE  8BC3          MOV  EAX, EBX

01B4A3D0  E853140000    CALL +$1453                     ; ($01B4B828) NPrinting.DataApp.TQlikViewDoc.GetQVDoc

01B4A3D5  8B45F0        MOV  EAX, [EBP-$10]

01B4A3D8  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3D9  8B00          MOV  EAX, [EAX]

01B4A3DB  FF5038        CALL DWORD PTR [EAX+$38]


; Line=6505 - Offset=74

; ---------------------

01B4A3DE  E809258CFE    CALL -$0173DAF7                 ; ($0040C8EC) System._CheckAutoResult  ; <-- EXCEPTION

01B4A3E3  8B45F4        MOV  EAX, [EBP-$0C]

01B4A3E6  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3E7  8B00          MOV  EAX, [EAX]

01B4A3E9  FF902C010000  CALL DWORD PTR [EAX+$0000012C]

01B4A3EF  E8F8248CFE    CALL -$0173DB08                 ; ($0040C8EC) System._CheckAutoResult

01B4A3F4  8B45F8        MOV  EAX, [EBP-8]

01B4A3F7  50            PUSH EAX

01B4A3F8  8B00          MOV  EAX, [EAX]

01B4A3FA  FF5050        CALL DWORD PTR [EAX+$50]

01B4A3FD  E8EA248CFE    CALL -$0173DB16                 ; ($0040C8EC) System._CheckAutoResult

01B4A402  66837DFC00    CMP  WORD PTR [EBP-4], 0

01B4A407  7407          JZ   +7                         ; ($01B4A410) NPrinting.DataApp.TQlikViewDoc.CanExport (Line=6517)


; Line=6514 - Offset=117

; ----------------------

01B4A409  66C706FFFF    MOV  WORD PTR [ESI], $FFFF

01B4A40E  EB05          JMP  +5                         ; ($01B4A415) NPrinting.DataApp.TQlikViewDoc.CanExport (Line=6518)


; Line=6517 - Offset=124

; ----------------------

01B4A410  66C7060000    MOV  WORD PTR [ESI], 0


; Line=6518 - Offset=129

; ----------------------

01B4A415  33C0          XOR  EAX, EAX



EAX: 0018F63C   EDI: 00000001

EBX: 00000000   ESI: 0EEDFADE

ECX: 00000007   EBP: 0018F68C

EDX: 00000000   ESP: 0018F63C

EIP: 7706C54F   FLG: 00000206

EXP: 01B4A3DE   STK: 0018F63C

Stack:               Memory Dump:

------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

1B30AB8C: 0018F748   01B4A3DE: E8 09 25 8C FE 8B 45 F4 50 8B 00 FF 90 2C 01 00  ..%...E.P....,..

1B30AB88: 00449004   01B4A3EE: 00 E8 F8 24 8C FE 8B 45 F8 50 8B 00 FF 50 50 E8  ...$...E.P...PP.

1B30AB84: 0018F684   01B4A3FE: EA 24 8C FE 66 83 7D FC 00 74 07 66 C7 06 FF FF  .$..f.}..t.f....

1B30AB80: 1B0D1220   01B4A40E: EB 05 66 C7 06 00 00 33 C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 58  ..f....3.ZYYd..X

1B30AB7C: 0018F6E4   01B4A41E: 33 DB EB 05 E9 79 D0 8B FE 8D 45 F0 E8 09 23 8C  3....y....E...#.

1B30AB78: 0018F71C   01B4A42E: FE 8D 45 F4 E8 01 23 8C FE 8D 45 F8 E8 F9 22 8C  ..E...#...E...".

1B30AB74: 1B075960   01B4A43E: FE 8B C3 5F 5E 5B 8B E5 5D C2 08 00 8B C0 55 8B  ..._^[..].....U.

1B30AB70: 0018F748   01B4A44E: EC 53 56 57 8B F9 8B F2 8B D8 85 F6 74 17 FF 75  .SVW........t..u

1B30AB6C: 1B513220   01B4A45E: 0C FF 75 08 8B D7 8B C3 E8 11 00 00 00 84 C0 75  ..u............u

1B30AB68: 1B0D1220   01B4A46E: 04 33 C0 EB 02 B0 01 5F 5E 5B 5D C2 08 00 55 8B  .3....._^[]...U.

1B30AB64: 01B4A3E3   01B4A47E: EC 53 56 8B F2 8B D8 6A FF 8B 43 60 50 8D 43 60  .SV....j..C`P.C`

1B30AB60: 00000007   01B4A48E: 50 E8 E0 64 8C FE 85 C0 75 30 FF 75 0C FF 75 08  P..d....u0.u..u.

1B30AB5C: 7706C54F   01B4A49E: E8 4D 9E 8F FE 83 C4 F8 DD 1C 24 9B E8 89 BE 93  .M........$.....

1B30AB58: 00000000   01B4A4AE: FE 52 50 0F BF C6 99 3B 54 24 04 75 09 3B 04 24  .RP....;T$.u.;.$

1B30AB54: 00000001   01B4A4BE: 5A 58 72 0A EB 04 5A 58 7C 04 33 C0 EB 02 B0 01  ZXr...ZX|.3.....

1B30AB50: 0EEDFADE   01B4A4CE: 5E 5B 5D C2 08 00 55 8B EC 53 56 57 8B 5D 08 53  ^[]...U..SVW.].S

3 Replies

Qlik NPrinting 16.6 supports QlikView Desktop 12.10 SR4.

At the moment QlikView Desktop 12.10 SR7 is not tested.

Please try to install QlikView Desktop 12.10 SR4 and open your .nsq again.

Please let me know if it works.



Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads with a LIKE if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads with LIKEs if you feel additional info is useful to others.

Hi Robert,

We did a complete serie of tests with Qlik NPrinting Desiger 16.6 and QlikView Desktop 12.10 SR7 and everything went fine. So we can state that QlikView Desktop 12.10 SR7 is supported by Qlik NPrinting 16.6.

I suppose you are experiencing a very specific error. I would to suggest you to contact directly the support team to analyze it.

Best regards,


Best Regards,
When applicable please mark the appropriate replies as CORRECT. This will help community members and Qlik Employees know which discussions have already been addressed and have a possible known solution. Please mark threads with a LIKE if the provided solution is helpful to the problem, but does not necessarily solve the indicated problem. You can mark multiple threads with LIKEs if you feel additional info is useful to others.
Partner - Creator III
Partner - Creator III

Did you solve?  Please advice me since I have to install the same config.  right now (today, tomorrow..)

Thank you in Advance,