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Nprinting with Qlikview files having section access, only one selection enabled listbox, triggers, alternate states

Hi All,

I have a .qvw with section access, only one selection enabled listbox, triggers, alternate states. I don't need to export the list box with single selection using nprinting. Once a selection is made using all the filters, the chart needs to be exported using nprinting to all microsoft templates. We need to use the Nprinting on demand feature with this QVW to get the selection from these listboxes of which one of them have the single selection enabled. Please let me know if we still need to get rid of section access, only one selection enabled listbox, triggers, alternate states or does nprinting not work at all with a .qvw with all these features enabled. Thanks for all your responses in advance. !

1 Reply
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi Supriya..

to be honest i think - you probably can get everything working with this unsuported configuration, but if something will not work for you, you will  not get answers why it is not working.

If you go for it - you can also say that you are running not supported environment and therefore you will not be covered by Qlik support!

Any case you will like to log with Qlik will first take into account your not supported configuration.

I strongly recommend creating a supported configuration. There are still ways to achieve whatever always one selected, alternate states, triggers etc are used for.




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