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Qlik NPrinting Certificate Issue

Hi, we are using Qlik Sense with Qlik NPrinting. When we try to access the Qlik Nprinting URL  its showing warning like "your connection is not private". Then I opened the developer tool and checked under security tab, then its shows 

"The page is not secure (broken HTTPS)" Below 

Certificate - Subject Alternative name missing 

Certificate - missing (here its showing like "err_cert_comm_name_invalid") . 

any one suggest pls?

Note: Because of this first time URL is not working,  then from advance If I clicked the URL then it is working. 

Both certificate installed at same day in the Qlik Sense and Qlik NPrinting. 

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51 Replies

Hi @PrashantSangle Better I think I regenerate NPrinting key with Fully Qualified Domain name. 

Quick Question: If I do so, where I need to generate this? whether in Qlik NPrinting Server or Qlik View Server (QVS)?

Pls suggest. 


Q: you mentioned  "SSL for your nprinting URL".  So when I create a  .crt file, I gave only server name but shall i need to give entire url? like ( 

Ans: yes, you have to give full name

Q: Also my Qlik NPrinting URL is different (it wont have any IP and server name) and Server name is different.

Ans: this is most important than earlier one. How you access the nprinting from Server or from outside server using web URL? 

If you are accessing from outside of nprinting server like your personal machine with other display URL then you need SSL with that Display URL



Prashant Sangle

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from Qlik NPrinting Server

Great dreamer's dreams never fulfilled, they are always transcended.
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Hi @PrashantSangle Ok. 

Not getting this "How you access the nprinting from Server or from outside server using web URL? " But Yes we are accessing using Web URL. 


from which machine you are accessing it. from nprinting server or from your desktop?

also if I am not wrong then you might have 2 URL to access nprinting. 1 with nprinting hostname and 1 with generic name.

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Hi @PrashantSangle Yes your are right. Just I checked. 

When I tried from Qlik NPrinting server, the url is only server name (eg: https://Servername:4993

When I tried outside (my desktop) the url is different (eg:


Hi @PrashantSangle Just before, I recreate the key file from Qlik NPrinting server 3. But no luck. Below are the steps I did. 

Step 1: Create a .crt file using SSL 

openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout NPrinting.key -x509 -days 1365 -out NPrinting.crt -subj "/C=QA/ST=XXXX/L=AAAA/O=Company Name/CN=Servername.XX.grp.local"

Step 2: 

openssl pkcs12 -export -out nprint_p12_QLS0005.pfx -inkey NPrinting.key -in NPrinting.crt (gave password )

Step 3: 

openssl rsa -in nprinting.key -out nprinting.key 

step 4:

copied both the key and crt file and pasted in the C:\ProgramData\NPrinting\webconsoleproxy.

and C:\ProgramData\NPrinting\newsstandproxy\

Step 5 : then alter the confg file and uncomment the SSL = true 

step 6: restart the qlik nprinting service. 

Step 7: Try to access the URL in the Qlik NPrinting Server itself. But still facing that certificate issue. 


@balajibc64 Do one thing,

Please download Fiddler and install it in your machine where you accessing the NPrinting.

Run the Fiddler and access the NPrinting, Once you get certificate error. please Save them and send it to us. So that we can see what is the response and can suggest more.



Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Hi @Anil_Babu_Samineni @PrashantSangle Fyi, for my Qlik Sense URL, this certificate issue and untrusted error and all showing. but for only NPrinting URL its showing. 


@balajibc64  I assume the same, because you have posted a question for the issue with N-Printing 🙂

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful