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Qlik NPrinting Certificate Issue

Hi, we are using Qlik Sense with Qlik NPrinting. When we try to access the Qlik Nprinting URL  its showing warning like "your connection is not private". Then I opened the developer tool and checked under security tab, then its shows 

"The page is not secure (broken HTTPS)" Below 

Certificate - Subject Alternative name missing 

Certificate - missing (here its showing like "err_cert_comm_name_invalid") . 

any one suggest pls?

Note: Because of this first time URL is not working,  then from advance If I clicked the URL then it is working. 

Both certificate installed at same day in the Qlik Sense and Qlik NPrinting. 

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51 Replies

Hi @Anil_Babu_Samineni Sure I will check. Below are the things  I did, 

1. I recreated Qlik Sense certificate from QMC and copy the same certificate into Qlik NPrinting server. I tried to install the same. But no luck 😞 

I have few questions, 

1. Whether I need to create Qlik Sense and Qlik NPrinting certificate again?

2. Both the certificate are same. 

3. I'm aware of Qlik Sense certificate via QMC, but how to generate Qlik NPrinting Certificate?

4. Where and how to check and give "Subject Alternative Name". ?

Please suggest. 

Moreover I'm facing issue, when I access to On Demand button in Qlik Sense dashboard, its showing error "unable to connect server". When I trouble shoot the error, I notice this error via browser tool. So If resolve this certificate issue may be this issue also resolve.


Hi @Anil_Babu_Samineni one more thing, I tired to access Qlik Sense dashboard via Qlik Sense Hub. While clicking On Demand button very first time, its showing error "unable to connect server". 

Then I looked the developer tool, its showing error ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. Then I noticed accessing URL is "" 

But from security tab, This page is not secure (broken HTTPS). I checked the certificate from same browser tool, 

Common Name (CN) : ServerName.qr.qrgrp.local
Organization (O) : <Not Part Of Certificate>
Organizational Unit (OU) :<Not Part Of Certificate>
pls suggest. 

@balajibc64 Interesting, does it mean you have installed both Qlik sense and N-Printing in same server?

For N-Printing certificate I have shared already steps in my previous post. If you have single DNS or one engine for Qlik N-Printing, you can ignore the SAN. Could be in general all the certificate error effects the communication gateway issue. 

For second part,

Common Name (CN) : ServerName.qr.qrgrp.local
Organization (O) : <Not Part Of Certificate>
Organizational Unit (OU) :<Not Part Of Certificate>
All the above it is good to check with your IT team who can help, otherwise it is a good reference of your meme to see what this certificate is about why did we created (Best practice to have them as always to recall).

HTTPS majority is problem for open-source DNS and certificate blocks. 

So, Please follow the instruction i have given and see if that helps. 

Best Anil, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful

Hi @Anil_Babu_Samineni No. both are different server. Qlik Sense is in one server and Qlik NPrinting is another server. And Qlik View is another 2 servers. 


@balajibc64 , I gone through all your & Anil's messages but not understood  where you are getting this error message ? can you provide some screenshot?

I saw message where you mention about  adding qlik sense certificate in nprinting but do you have SSL to secure your nprinting URL?

Can you explain all above query? we will solve one by one.



Prashant Sangle

Great dreamer's dreams never fulfilled, they are always transcended.
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Hi @PrashantSangle Sure I will explain. Problem in my organization secured one so not able to upload image from my end. sorry for that.  

Let me explain again here, 

Issue: we are accessing the Qlik Sense dashboard via QS Hub. In that dashboard we created one On demand button to download the reports. When we tried to download the reports like pdf, html, Doc etc. Facing error like "Unable to connect server". That time I go to browser tool, I noticed the error ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID. 

This is the issue. 


so you are trying on demand report generation. 

have you gone through below URL. It will give in depth idea on how to set up on demand report generation

if yes, my next question is 

are you able to access qlik nprinting from same server where your qlik sense is hosted?



Great dreamer's dreams never fulfilled, they are always transcended.
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Hi @PrashantSangle  Yes Already done those steps. Facing issue only trying to export only. 

Yes Now I tried access my Qlik NPrinting URL from Qlik Sense server. Its working, but same certificate error showing in browser tool. 


so it means you need SSL for your nprinting URL..

Do you have SSL certificate for nprinting? If yes then follow below URL on how to set up SSL for nprinting.



Prashant Sangle

Great dreamer's dreams never fulfilled, they are always transcended.
Please appreciate our Qlik community members by giving Kudos for sharing their time for your query. If your query is answered, please mark the topic as resolved 🙂

Hi @PrashantSangle Yes already created SSL and pasted in this path. 

Quick Question: you mentioned  "SSL for your nprinting URL".  So when I create a  .crt file, I gave only server name but shall i need to give entire url? like ( 

Also my Qlik NPrinting URL is different (it wont have any IP and server name) and Server name is different.

Shall I recreate a this .cert file ? using SSL ?  If yes, this needs to be create in Qlik NPrinting only right? because Qlik View also we are using. 

Please suggest.