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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Qlik NPrinting HTML Report Cannot Apply Filters - Void False

Hello everyone,

We have created an HTML report, and we are facing an error when we select the preview button. Additionally, we have also created a variable and inside it there is a column called CUSTOMER (=CUSTOMER). We use to it to filter out the data, mainly because the report will be received by multiple uses.



Is there a format we should follow to filter out the data using NPrinting variables?


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4 Replies


Please review the following links below on filters and limitation and Unsupported items for QlikView and Qlik Sense reports .

Article links:

1. Qlik NPrinting Filter Rules and Limitations

2. Qlik NPrinting: Unsupported QlikView Document items, System Configurations and other limitations

3. Qlik NPrinting and Qlik Sense Object Support and Limitations

Hello @rolmontero 

When creating Nprinting filters, please ensure that you follow the filter creation rules accurately.

I think what is happening here is that you might not have used the correct filter type.

Adding values to a field

Do the following:

  1. Choose a value type from the drop-down list:
    • Value is  (alphanumeric data)
    • Numeric value is (numeric data)
    • Evaluate value (formula used as a filter)
    • Advanced Search (advance search criteria used as a filter.)

If your underlying data is actually numeric, then you may need to use 'Numeric Value' type rather than 'Value' type for example.


Please check this and try again.


Kind regards....



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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator


Thanks for your answer, and the filter has only alphanumeric values. That filter represents a customer and in the NPrinting report will show dear CUSTOMER, and so on.

Here is the filter and the parameters


On the other hand, we have a formula, that we have created in Qlik NPrinting Designer, and it looks like this:




Thanks a lot for you help!


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

My observations are as follows:

  1. using =Customer is actually not a formula. It is a "naked" reference to a field which is a bad practice. Instead use one of aggregation functions like:
    1. Concat(Distinct Customer,'') or
    2. Only(Customer) - If you are sure that only single value will be returned
  2. Filters
    1. Are you applying any other filters to this Task,Report,Objects within the report or does user who is currently developing have other user filters applied which may be from the same NPrinting APP and Connection? If answer to any of those questions is "Yes" then you need to verify if the combination of all those filters is possible to be applied directly in Qlik Sense which I can tell you it will not be 🙂 
    2. Double check if your client data is not a Dual() - then as @Frank_S  mentioned you may need to consider using numerical representation of the field value.
cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.