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Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Some vendors are not receiving reports

We are using  Qlik NPrinting May 2022 SR1 Version: ,  and we have around 17-18k vendors to  whom we send our reports.
The reports(in excel format) have only one filter which is 'vendor code'  for eg:-vendor 1 will by default get a filter with vendor code as 1

But some vendors have reported that they are not getting the reports via mail . 
(The report file is 2mb and also the original apps  and charts reloads faster.)
Any reasons and solutions ?

Thanks ,


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14 Replies
Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Kartik2 

If NPrinting is not reporting in task execution any issues and you see in task exectuion that the vendor should receive report then next step would be to:

  • talk to your SMTP admin and see if all emails were forwarded? It is quite often practice to have anti-spam settings and burst email distirbution from NPrinting can be seen as spam in your SMTP server (which is basicly your network problem and not NPrinting problem)
  • check with your network admin if your SMTP allows to send emails to all domains/recipients
  • check with vendors if they maybe getting those emails as in their Junk

bottom line is - if your report is produced and you configured recipient of the report with correct email address then the issue is not in NPrinting but in SMTP mailing system.


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Vendors are getting the body of the mail but not the attachment.


Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Well... give all inforamtion you have so we can help you with this. 

  • you did not mention that vendors are reciving email but without atachement. The question now is: instead of attachement do they receive error information about missing attachement in email?
    • if yes - then you will have information about it in task execution.
    • are there any errors or warnings in task execution
      • if yes - then you need to investigate them as ususally they will be related to either lack of data, or incorrect filters etc..
  • what is the attachement file extension? - it is possible that attachements are not permitted by vendors email filters
  • have you tried generating those reports also to local folder to see if they are actually generated? Nprmally this would be basic troubleshooting step you would do before setting this report for distribution as that would allow you to easily test if all filters are properly set and if all reports are properly generated.

Hard to add more to this with this limited information.


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

We were getting warnings in task execution 



Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Kartik2 

Have you read those warnings? They say everything we need to know-right? 

Also have you tried searching for this error on community- you would see this topic then:

For starters I would take one of the users/vendors who throw the error and try to re-applied their respective filters in Qlik Sense app and see if all objects render as expected - have you done that as a troubleshooting step @Kartik2 ? (you can use user id and paste it in url when previewing any other user to figure out which id represent what user).

I have nothing else to add to it. The problem is in design of the Qlik app and the report or potentially in timing as well but we dont see this here so we cant tell


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Hi @Lech_Miszkiewicz , we were using lot of calculated dimensions and default filters , can i take those calculated dimensions under variables and use them?

Partner Ambassador/MVP
Partner Ambassador/MVP

Hi @Kartik2 

It is hard to say what you can or cannot do. I am afraid I will not be able to help you designing it as such process requires thorough understanding of your whole data model and objects you are using which seems to be astruggle judging by the nature of the current topic. 

  • I am struggling to understand your suggestion about "can i take those calculated dimensions under variables and use them?
    • throwing expression (calculated dimension expression) into variable will not change anything - it would still be calculated dimension doing exactly the same thing, rigth? - so what difference does it make? Why would you think having expression as variable vs having naked expression would be any better?
    • I dont know how you designed your calculated dimensions - depending what the actual calculation is and how it is used with your Qlik app objects used for NPrinting.
    • There is big difference between calculated dimension producing values based on expression (like IF(x then xyz, if(z then xyx... etc) vs calulcated dimension which is simply dynamically toggled dimension field reference (for example: if i press button then show Country field or State field).
  • I dont know what "Default filter" mean for your - there is no such concept in Qlik naming convention so I am guessing here what you mean by that.
    • Are you talking about "default bookmark" selections set "on app open"
    • or are you talking about sheet actions? 
    • or maybe you are talking about some exptensions objects?
    • Can you please clarify that and obviously refer to regarding all unsupported objects.

It seems to me that this is a problem of not understanding requirements of how to build NPrinting report and the fact that proper built of NPrinitng report is in 90-95% based on proper design of Qlik Sense app in a first place. Most of people who post here about similar issues have or had exactly that very problem - they did not take into account how NPrinting works, what is supported and what is not and how you need to model your Qlik Sense app to have fully supported and well working and designed report. What most of people do is get a Qlik Sense app in whatever shape or form it is in and try to use it for NPrinting hoping that it is only drag&drop exercise which it is not. I am not blaming anyone for doing this, I am just pointing to reasons why such issues arise.


cheers Lech, When applicable please mark the correct/appropriate replies as "solution" (you can mark up to 3 "solutions". Please LIKE threads if the provided solution is helpful to the problem.
Partner - Creator
Partner - Creator

Yes by default filters I mean default bookmarks and for the calculated dimensions ,I will do the changes in the data load editor. 


@Kartik2 , did you check in dashboard that data is there for that vendor code who are not receiving report?

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