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Partner - Creator II
Partner - Creator II


Hi all,

I wanted to learn on different types of charts and HOW TO USE THOSE CHARTS in different perspective but im not getting any link in google.

Do pls help me giving some pdfs or links?

So Thankful!

Eg: Gauge chart for average(sales) without dimensions



4 Replies

in your QlikView installation folder, usually C:\Program Files\QlikView\Examples\Documents

open QlikView document "Data Visualization.qvw", first page is

"When to use which chart" is the first question you may ask to yourself when building an application.

In this application, you may get an idea of what data can be displayed in the most effective way. This application will walk you through on when to use which chart in which mode etc. Comparing the use of bar charts and combo charts is one example. Also, it contains some of the popular charts but yet sophisticated to implement such as Box plot, Water Fall, Trends and Butterfly charts. Take a look in the properties of these charts and see if you can find the piece you may be missing when creating them, or simply copy and paste an object and reuse it in your application if you are viewing this application in QlikView Desktop client.

This application is created for an educational purpose. The data is for demo use.

Former Employee
Former Employee

The question is too general. In principle you can use any graph for any aggregation. However, there are some rules of thumb and general recommendations: See for instance

Scales of Measurement

Stephen Few's recommendations


Specialist II
Specialist II

You will get good books in market or

you can learn though online thought cookbook