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When I try to load the xml file using Qlikview, it gives 'Download Error' but I can open the same url in browser.
What could be the reason for download failed error
Does the service account have access to the server share?
The file is on the Publisher server, so it does not need to use the share. I only use the share to Access the file from my PC.
So whenever you move your document from your Desktop PC to the Publisher machine, you change the UNC path of the XML file, right?
No, I don't move the file or change the file. I use the same file both on the server directly, and through a share from my PC. From my PC, I can see the XML output, but not when accessing in from the server.
I mean your QVW document. The XML file doesn't need to move or change, it just has to be accessible from a QVW document on your PC AND from a (probably identical) QVW document on your server.
The second one doesn't work. The XML proves to be inaccessible for a QVW document on the server, right? Therefor my question: do you change the path to the XML file in your Server-QVW Load script? If you do not, you're still trying to get to the file via a windows share...
The xml file is a https request to our internal jira site, and is not a file. The url request is not changed.
Den 10. mars 2015 kl. 14:49 skrev "Peter Cammaert" <qcwebmaster@qlikview.com<mailto:qcwebmaster@qlikview.com>>:
Sorry, my bad. I misinterpreted your statements "...I can run the QVW file on my desktop PC from server share, but not from the server it self..." and "...I only use the share to Access the file from my PC." thinking that the server share had an XML file that couldn't be read from the server.
So apparently it's an access denied issue. Did you try to open the https link from a browser session on the server, using the service account?
pls follow these steps:
Reading Data from Sharepoint lists into QlikView
Using RPC-Calls
An easier way is to use RPC-calls using owssvr.dll, like:
listGUID and viewGUID must be in the format {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}.
The listGUID can easily be found by navigating to the list in Sharepoint and go to List Settings. The listGUID will then show up in the address-field in your browser.
If viewGUID is omitted, the default view will be retrieved. To find the viewGUID locate the list in Sharepoint and activate the view needed. Select View Soure in IE to see the source code. Search for view={ to locate the viewGUID.
The response will be in XML, so when reading into QlikView make sure you select XML Files and Internet File. Add the correct crafted URL as described above. The data retrieved can be found in the node xml/data/row.
Example URLs to be used in QlikView:
For more info about owssvr.dll use Google to find various ways of filtering the information
Note: Only fields defined in a view can be retrieved. You need to construct the view with the fields needed, if not using the default view.
Yes, I can access the url with IE with the service accout user.
Since I get a result in the 'delimiter' type option, but not in the 'xml' type option, I belive there is a security issue on the server, parsing the xml request. Don't know if MSXML is used by QW, and if so, there are some settings there.
Den 10. mars 2015 kl. 15:14 skrev "Peter Cammaert" <qcwebmaster@qlikview.com<mailto:qcwebmaster@qlikview.com>>:
Check IE properties (Internet options) and in the Advanced -tab:
Do not save encrypted pages to disk , it should be untapped...
It works to me in two different environments.