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Hi Guys
When i am pulling the data from navision 4.0 into qlikview with date filter in the where Clause ...
i am getting the following error :
SQL##f - SqlState: 22008, ErrorCode: 0, ErrorMsg: [Simba][SimbaEngine ODBC Driver]Invalid date, time or timestamp value.
I guess it may be in some other format(qvw considered as char). Try converting to date format using date functions in qlikview and then load.
i want to pull the data from navision where date >= 01/01/2005; so that before data will come into Qlikview ,,, it will get filtered..........
Hi Manish,
Please make sure the format of the date fieldand parameter as same.
Ex : Select * From Table Where Date(TransactionDate,'DD-MM-YYYY')=Date(Makedate(07-01-2014),'DD-MM-YYYY')
Hi Manish,
You can check the Date Format (in Systemn variables) in qlikview and make sure that the format matches to the one in source. For Eg:
SET DateFormat ='M/D/YYYY';
SET TimestampFormat ='M/D/YYYY h:mm:ss[.fff] TT';
Or whatever format you need. Hope this helps!
Hi manish,
Can you try with the function convert & Getdate,
on your clause "where CONVERT(Field Name,GETDATE(),110)".
it may help.
Hi Manish,
U want to get the data filtered then U need to Put the Date format As it in Ur Database ..
Otherwise it will not get Filtered Data and U must need to Put that String In Single Quotes..
Select * From navison where Date >= '12/12/12' ;
Hope It Helps
Koti Reddy
Hi Manish,
You can use following two Queries:
1 ) Sql Select * from TableName where LAST_UPDATE_DATE <= to_date('01-Jan-2014','DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS');
2 ) Sql Select * from TableName where LAST_UPDATE_DATE <= '01-Jan-2014';
-Hope this will help.
nothing is working ......
Hi Manish,
for this I would use a variable in the script:
Set NumOfYearsTo Load = 9;
let MinYearLoad = Year(today()) - $(NumOfYearsToLoad);
and then, in the WHERE clause:
LOAD "No_" as DocumentID,
"Posting Date" as DateID,
where Year("Posting Date") > $(MinYearLoad);
FROM Sales Invoice Header Table;
This works for my case. Hope it helps you as well!